FFXI Wishlist

Dec 04, 2007 11:07

Well, since the holiday season is upon us, I thought I'd come up with a FFXI wishlist.  :D  Kinda funny that there are more things on my FFXI wishlist than I want in RL, but I guess that's a pretty good thing.  I'm lucky enough in RL to not need many things.  ^^

I'll preface this list by saying that I know there is no way in the world that I will get all these things, but they are all pretty nice to haves across my 3 main jobs.  Additionally, they are randomly grouped by 'type' ... and not in any particular order of want.

Assassin's Armlets
Assassin's Culotte
Koga Tekko
Koga Chainmail

Dryadic Abjuration: Head
Neptual Abjuration: Feet
Neptual Abjuration: Body

Homam Corazza
Homam Gambieras
Homam Manopolas
Snow Torque
Hope Torque
Justice Torque
Love Torque
Boxer's Mantle

Misc. Rare/Ex:
Ochimusha Kote
Sirocco Kukri
Ungur's Boomerang

Auction House:
Forager's Mantle or
Cerberus Mantle
Black Cuisses
Ziska's Crossbow

Divisor Ring
Usukane Sune-ate
Skadi's Jambeaux
Askar Zucchetto
Denali Jacket
Omicron Ring
Tau Ring
Multiple Ring (for level caps)

The items that I'm most likely to obtain sooner rather than later would be the Dynamis items (since I'm first in points for whichever I decide to declare on our runs), a Boxer's Mantle (@57 coins atm), or perhaps some more Homam if I get lucky on lots or if people ahead of me obtain some.  The AH items could be picked up at any time, but for now I'm going to hold on to my gil for a bit and see what the economy does.

Quotation of the Day: "We can write a note for you." - Dragonfly, jokingly trying to help convince Gom stay online instead of logging to do work, bleck.


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