Jan 02, 2007 15:55
Happy New Year everyone!
I'm not much for turning over new leaves or making resolutions due to something as arbitrary as the calendar changing... but I do like to plan ahead and think about the future, so with that in mind I figured it'd be a good time to ponder over what to do in 2007.
I don't think I'll list these by level of importance, since I don't really care. :D
- Finish off leveling NIN to 75 (58 atm)
- Complete CoP Missions (4-2 atm)
- Win final Zilart BC
- Level DRG and SAM to 37
- Merit, merit, merit...
- Assault & Salvage
- Continue to progress ClanBladeDynamis
- Have fun with friends!!
That last one is probably the most important actually. With our LS expanding and seeing new faces everyday, it's more important than ever to hang loose and be sure to sit back and smell the roses on occasion. There will undoubtedly be times of trouble and stress... but it's important to remember to have fun and to help others have fun as well. :)
Quotation of the Day: "... Vedder... I accidentally sent you my Hauberk instead." - Lebron, after I accepted his offer of a mahogany log.