Hi! I recognise some of your writing from FF.net and stumbled across your page on a McCoy page here. Can I add you as a friend? I barely use this site but am attempting to get it up and running again... Yeah, we'll see how that goes!! :)
Btw: LOVE your McCoy/Chapel fanmix! I'm DLing it as we speak (?!) - love, LOVE some of the artists that you've used... I'm listening to the Cardigans right now!!
you know, every time i've seen your username i've thought of emily starr and wondered if that's what it was referencing-- then i just realized i didn't actually have you friended and went to your userinfo to do that, and saw that you are, in fact, so awesome that you *are* referencing dear emily of new moon. sigh. :"D
Hi! I see you on dollsome's journal all the time, so I meandered over to your profile, and one look at your icons made the !!! alarms of joy go off in my brain. Gossip Girl! True Blood! Bright Star (BEN WHISHAW, YOU SLAY ME)! The Vampire Diaries (the fact that I love this show sort of makes me hate myself, but whatever! FOG MACHINES)! Friends, maybe? :D
I've been stalking checking out your journal for awhile now due to your totally awesome fanmixes and fanfics so I thought I might as well just add you. I love your music taste and you watch pretty much the same shows that I do
Comments 239
I recognise some of your writing from FF.net and stumbled across your page on a McCoy page here. Can I add you as a friend? I barely use this site but am attempting to get it up and running again... Yeah, we'll see how that goes!! :)
Btw: LOVE your McCoy/Chapel fanmix! I'm DLing it as we speak (?!) - love, LOVE some of the artists that you've used... I'm listening to the Cardigans right now!!
in any case-- friending you. jsyk. XD
(Her journal is like the Meeting of Great Minds, I swear :D)
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