noone responded to my craigslist post yet. i guess people aren't as willing to do things for free as i thought they were. it's sort of making me depressed... though i must admit i was definately depressed beforehand
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oh, so you did post that. i couldn't tell from your last entry if that was something you had posted or something you had found. um, yeah, i wouldn't worry about being an alcholic. i have struggled with the same issue many times before wondering "am i an alcoholic?," before i realized that no, i am not. that, yes, i do like to drink. but that people have like to so for millenia, and that this just smug moral righteousness, the remaining remants of american puritanism that wants to diagnose these things as wrong, as abnormal. they are not. don't you worry, my friend, gregg. i think it certainly does exist, alcholism, and i know that it has awful effects, but i think that too often the lines are blurred, that often any regular drinking is perceived to be this same thing and that is bullshit, and don't fall prey to it. um, or something like that. this, written with several beers in my system perhaps slightly defensively, but only slightly.
i don't know... maybe i'm jumping the gun... but i do feel like i feel more productive and generally better about myself since i had my last drink (last) saturday afternoon. i feel like i've fucked myself over, both financially and as far as my photography with my drinking habits in the past year. i never used to drink that much before, and maybe it's because i was in a long term relationship with someone who hates drinking, but i definately got way more accomplished artistically before i moved to ny and started going out so much. i was also in school so i guess that is different. i don't know. i just feel like a fuck up right now and i think it's interesting that i moved here with such strong intentions of continuing to work as an artist and after a year i have done very little in the art department and done tons in the whiskey department. before i stopped drinking last week i think i think i had been drunk almost every night for about 3 months and the thought of that terrifies me.
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