sorry its not better than it is but i will make one that kicks butt next time

Sep 05, 2005 11:59

The Random Question Meme!

An array of completely random questions about my friends!
How long have you known a_reverie?it has been a few years, 2 or 3 dont was at a crazzy part from back in the day.....Whom does imdancergirl get along best with?last i heard her boyfriend and his sister who is one of her best friends, but then again i could be wrong.Does renlo2133 understand quantum chromodynamics?about as much as i understand why i am living with What would mylove17 do with half a million dollars (U.S.)?What is shywallflower's favorite meal?alcohol and weeddazzlingdamsel: pansy, or wuss?neither she will kick your ass six ways to sundayDid wibah steal the cookie from the cookie jar?noIt's all abigailcrane's fault, isn't it?yes it is, i blame this whole thing on her. wait what did she do againHow will 1lovesparkling die?a slow horrible death which will be enduced by the birth of her first born.What is the most insightful thing you have heard fyregoddessss say?i'm not drunk i can walk a sright line. then she amptly fell over and started laughing her ass offWhat will qtpie42u3 be like in twenty years?probably still being hot and sexxy doing her thingWhat do overthamoon and infinitystorm have in common?not that much actually other than the fact that they are of the female domainDoesn't bowlobran have anything better to do?no, well other than to avoid me, that is until she finally bumps into me on campus or at some random place like we allways doHow many siblings does sxecrow have?none i thinkWhat's up with inkandanxiety?about 8 and a half inchesWhat is quirkynlondon's favorite song?the final countdwon by europeCan theseghosts raise the dead to perform common household tasks?most certianly, he and i practice it on a regular basis, he is getting better by the wayWhat was trademespots wearing, the last time you noticed?hair of course (oh her head) either an orange or brown shirt that looked old/vintage-esk, and jeansDoes lyrical_idiocy have a funny-shaped head or what?yes, it must be the watter up there in new hampshire or the fact that him mom was in 3 car wrecks when he was in the womb. see adam i got it right that timeCan bothering do a headstand?of course
This is by heptadecagram. You can find your own completely random questions here.

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