I've had it

Dec 30, 2005 04:46

I can no longer tolerate Rob's continued insistance in putting everyone else's feelings before mine. I'm going to go mad listening to him snore in the bedroom while his idiot, loud-mouth "wife" Peter snores on the sofa. It's almost 5:00 a.m. and I have nowhere to go where I can get any sleep ( Read more... )

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Comments 16

mneomosyne December 30 2005, 10:24:59 UTC
*hug!!!* Good, I hope you'll get such a job :)


veganhothead December 30 2005, 19:24:45 UTC
Thanks. I hope so too.


dave_noisy December 30 2005, 18:36:21 UTC
Crummy...sorry to hear he's being an ass. I guess talking with him isn't particularly productive?


veganhothead December 30 2005, 19:23:51 UTC
Pfft! I've been talking to him for years to no avail.

I'm no longer furious as I was when I wrote that post, but I'm not terribly optimistic either. Maybe he'll redeem himself, but I have to be prepared in case he doesn't.


kcontheroad December 30 2005, 19:58:20 UTC
Was it Einstein who said something along the lines of, "True madness is doing the same thing and expecting a different outcome." You've been with him for four years. He's not changing and you shouldn't expect him to. We need to love people for whom they are and not for whom they could be. If you don't, you don't.

Waves wiggly fingers of doooooooom over the computer while casting a "Lyssa gets a job in 2006 that pays well enough for her to move out" spell.

Moving out is a good idea all around, anyway. You can still date Rob and enjoy his company those times when he wants to focus on you, but you could also date others. You also wouldn't have to deal with his drinking buddy if you didn't want to.


veganhothead December 31 2005, 02:31:43 UTC
Hehh, that's fourteen years!

And I'm just starting to realize that statement is true.

And thanks for the spell, though we do split up, I'm staying right where I am. He can move in with Peter if he loves him so much.


kcontheroad December 31 2005, 04:25:07 UTC
Now that's a much better solution.

Fourteen. There you go. He's not going to change. Full stop. Can't change anyone but ourselves, so either you're in love with him as he is, or you you're in love with a fantasy version of him.

If you actually internalise that, by the way, you'll have come much further in understanding men than many women ever will. It's one of our greatest delusions -- we want to, and think we can, change them. And, yes, that includes thinking we 'can bring out the best' in them. ;)

Men. Can't live with them, can't live with them.
(No, that's not a typo. I love Ed deeply and we're happily married. Still, living with another adult is hard work, no matter who the two people are.)

Recites the appropriate spell modification.


skidjit December 31 2005, 08:15:58 UTC
*huggles* you because you need it.


veganhothead January 1 2006, 02:24:50 UTC
Thanks, Skidjers.

*hugs back, just 'cause*


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