(Five Things That You're Wearing Right Now)
--fake chucks
--lei jeans
--white and pink socks
--and old navy zip up
--a strike anywhere shirt
(Five Bands you like today)
--Blink 182
--Modern Life is War
--Count me Out
--Saves the Day
(Three Main Goals In Life)
--get more tattoos
--get out of dccc
--remain vegan
(Five Huge Dislikes)
--prepaid cell mins
--obnoxious people
--not owning my own computer
--people who lie about stupid shit
--the dead mouse that is on my step
(Five Best Friends)
(If You Could)
--Move somewhere: Boston
--Fall in love with someone: It's all about the Bill
--Meet someone: Tom Delonge
--Get something: a new computer, a digital camera, a plane ticket to Boston, a house of my own, etc...
(Four CD's You Need)
-- the new Minus the Bear
--Count me Out on cd, as opposed to my vinyl
--the other Tragedy cd
(Three Food Items)
-- meatless meatballs
-- vegan pizza...real vegan pizza
-- vegan cookies
(Two Beverages)
--diet sunkist
--diet sunkist
(One Family Member)
--my cat
(Five Things That Don't Impress You)
-- scene masters
-- cool mosh moves
-- lame local scene bands
-- boys wearing girls jeans
-- comeback kid
(Five Things You Can't Live Without)
-- Bill
-- friends
-- diet sunkist
-- music
-- Blink 182
(Five Things You'll Do When You Complete This)
-- hopefully hear from Mcnamee
-- leave Meghans
-- put on makeup
-- study for psychology
-- be awesome