How is this already March, I ask you? Okay, so during most of February, when I was not on business trips, I was sick and bed-ridden. When I wasn't sick, I was still bed-ridden, mostly reading and generally refusing to do anything constructive or productive, and this, I'm truly good at.
This also means I finished about 20 books last month,
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Comments 14
I understand your feeling about the BB fandom growing, although it's both magnified by it being the first fandom I ever actually participated in and ameliorated by the fact that I'm still so involved and welcome. But TWD, for the record, has taken off to a much bigger degree. Have you seen how many stories there are at Like 900, compared to BB's 50.
ETA: Also, let me know if you want recs for the BB fic.
Heh, when I say BB fic, I basically mean yours and squonkfan's, but I'd love some recs if you have any. I can't follow TWD at FFnet, period, though, and I haven't caught up with AO3 entries, either. Maybe I'm just losing interest. Le sigh.
Ringtone, a Mike/Jesse fic by chaosprincess21. Sweet and hot and digs right in to the abusive nature of the Walt/Jesse relationship.
Fly Away Part I and Part II, by diane_kepler and sydpenguinbunny, a totally adorable and hot Walt/Jesse fic.
Prescient, by diane_kepler, a Walt/gender-swapped!Jesse fic that is ridiculously hot and really insightful in how it deals with both the characterization and the gender politics.
You Remember What it's Like, by sinloi. A dreamy, disturbing, awesomely structured little W/J ficlet.
Saturday in the Sticks with Jesse>, by htbthomas, involving a meeting between Walter, Jr. and Jesse.
I mean, there's nothing that's been posted I'd say wasn't worth your time, and there are a couple other ones I really love, too, but those are the best of the batch.
Oh, oh, and a brand new one I just read tonight, after I posted this. Blue (She's Like a Dog that Solves Puzzles), by scioscribe, a totally adorable and bittersweet story about Jesse giving Walt a ( ... )
PS: I am making my way through Breaking Bad, and Raul devoured the entire show over Christmas.
PPS: I also made my way through Sherlock, which I enjoyed very much.
PPPS: And I can't wait for new Mad Men and Game Of Thrones.
PS: Raul has a really good taste. I approve.
PPS: YOU have a very good taste. I APPROVE.
PPPS: Eh, I like them, but I don't love them, but I know I'll still be watchin' both. You read the Song of Ice and Fire series?
I'm currently on the third book, making my way through very slowly.
You like the series? I haven't been able to finish the entire series yet. I don't know--I develop this odd aversion when something (fiction, movie, tv-shows) becomes really quite popular, and ASOFAI is giving me that uh-feeling lately.
I woke up in the middle of the night and I can't go to sleep--which may explain why I miss you and our city with this sudden pang. I hope you're going well! <3
I'm well, a bit blah, but mostly in a self-pity woe is me kind of way.
PS: I'm going to be in Banff Alberta between July 9th-16th - can we meet up somewhere??? Maybe romantically on the Rocky Mountains??? Sound Of Music style :-)
Oh yay, you're coming west! Well, there's a wedding around that time, and not sure how my vacation hours would last up this year, but I MIGHT be able to join you, actually. I haven't actually BEEN to the Rockies in Alberta, not counting Calgary. Are you coming over with Raul?
Ooo... fic rec. Will check it out.
Mmmm... hope you stay much healthier, but that lazying around in bed? An art form that must be perfected.
If lazying around the bed is an olympic category, I'd be a serious contender for the gold, I'm sure. /proud
I think I am still behind on BB fic, too, though I've also been kind of out of it and not quite sure what I've read and what I haven't. I have a lot of school reading to catch up on during Spring break next week, but I should still have time to check some fic out.
There is a new fic by me awaiting your enjoyment in the usual spot.... ;)
And thanks for THE FIC. It definitely improved my night, which was heading toward somewhere miserable. <3
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