If you could reconnect with a friend of the past (either lost touch, or a fall out) who would it be? Why?
Wow...so many people from my past. So many people I think about on almost a daily basis. I guess right now, it would be a former girlfriend, Ann. We just kinda floated apart after I did something stupid...I was young...and she was older than me ;). I would like to see where she is today and how she and her family has turned out.
Who is the most annoying person on your cast?
If you could learn another language what would it be?
When was the first time you said "I love you" to someone (who wasn't family) and really meant it?
I was 18...it was to my first girlfriend, Andrea. I heard since that she turned gay and became a truck driver.
Have you ever purposely ignored someone because your friends didn't like them?
I have tried, but I don't like it. It's not easy for me to ignore someone.
How did you get involved with Rocky?
Many moons ago, I had heard of Rocky. I had even been once. Some good friends and I were done with a meetup type thing at Fuddruckers in Pasadena. It was around 9:30 if I remember correctly. I knew they were semi-regulars, so I said, "Hey, I got the car, let's goto Rocky". I was hooked from then on out. We went to MI. I fell in love with Becky right there! I have stuck around on and off for 10+ years. It's been a ride.
If you could change one thing right now, what would it be?
This is easy, it would be where Mysti lives. She would live with me, here in Vegas.
Where do you see yourself in 5 years in regards to your personal life and Rocky life?
Married to Mysti. Happy. Thinking about children. At least in an apartment. I see myself, at the very most, just an audience member occasionally at Rocky...especialy since I am retiring from regularly performing at Rocky next weekend.
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