So I've been terrible at keeping up with episode reviews lately, especially with House, and it's a shame because there was a lot I wanted to review. Too bad I can barely remember anything to write it all down now.
In no particular order because I can't remember what happened in which episode.
The House/Chase/Wilson bonding was amazing I effing loved the whole speed-dating ordeal. Mainly:
Chase: I'm not that good looking![looks at Wilson for confirmation]
Wilson: [surveys Chase's features carefully] Yeah, you kinda are.
Oh! And I finally sensed some Chase/Thirteen in that episode! Could my predictions turn out to be true?
I really felt for Chase at the end. He was clearly struggling with the end of his marriage, and it hit really close to home for me when he wondered what brings two people together in the first place. I thought it was a very nice, emotionally-balanced and realistic scene he had with Thirteen at the end of that episode. He just seemed very real and genuine. Relatable. And I love Thirteen this season. She really has come a long way since her self-destructive ways.
I just love love love that they're living together and all the glimpses we get to their home lives.
I loved "Lockdown". Initially, I was mad at Cameron. Especially when Chase asked her if she ever loved him, and she yelled back, "I don't know!" It was an intense scene. However, when she got talking about her deceased husband and how emotionally screwed-up she is... my anger kind of sizzled away. Yes, she probably shouldn't have put Chase through all that if she was never sure she loved him, but... I could see where she was coming from. It really just boils down to, Is it better to have loved and lost, or to never have loved at all?
The Thirteen/Wilson scenes in that episodes were magnificent, and I'll have you know that I'm totally shipping them since they happened. ♥
I loved the threesome/foursome discussion, and how at the end of the ep she accepted Wilson's challenge and flashed Taub. Lol. Lucky guy.
Um, Wilson and his ex-wife are back together. *shrug* I honestly don't have much of an opinion on this, beyond the "But you're supposed to be with Greg! and such. The shenanigans and House's attempts to make them separate were amusing, and seriously--so much subtext between these two, jfc. House was so jealous. *nod* But, the fact that he was so fast on giving up on his attempts and just let Wilson be happy/make his own mistakes shows how much he's grown up. I liked that.
Oh! I loved "Open and Shut." Sara Wayne Callies looked really hot, and it was good to see her again (God, I miss Prison Break)! As you may or may not know, I believe in open relationships, so it was nice to see a representation of an average, normal couple having such a relationship, and not have it be a problematic aspect of their relationship. (Not that they didn't have their problems, like everyone else, it just wasn't the lack of monogamy.)
Taub, though... what he's doing to his wife is very unfair. It seems he is incapable of monogamy. That's fine--there's nothing wrong with that. What's wrong is deceiving his wife. She tried to give open marriage a chance, but it's not for everyone, and it doesn't work for her. A monogamous marriage doesn't seem to work for Taub. The logical step, in my opinion, is to separate. Yes, they love each other, but that's not enough. It hurts to let go, I understand, but it has to be better than deceiving your wife.
This one is probably more political than I usually get.
Really, I'm just going to get to the juicy part: Ted and conversion 'therapy'. We all know that groups like these exist and try to "reform" homosexuals. I was shocked, however, to find out that they may use methods such as hormone injections and ECT. ECT? Are you fucking kidding me? It should be illegal to use it for such purposes.
Now. Did Ted really come out straight? I don't know. They did a bunch of shit to affect his body and brain chemistry, so it's possible. BUT WHAT FOR? JFC. I don't care about the nature/nurture debate of homosexuality. I don't care what the goddamn cause is, because it's NOT A FUCKING DISEASE you need to research and find a cure for! In all likelihood, both genes and environment determine our sexual orientation. Just let it be what it is! *rage*
Many were probably pissed at Ted for being a self-hating homosexual. And so was I. But at the same time, I felt sad for him, and I blame society more than I blame people like him. Yes, we have progressed quite a lot. But there's still much difficulty for minority groups to confront. In my opinion, heteronormativity is a huge threat, and fuels homophobia. I hate heteronormativity.
I guess it's possible that Ted loved his fiance. To me, sexuality is fluid, and not set in stone. I believe that a straight person can fall in love with some one from the same sex, and a gay person can fall in love with someone from the opposite sex. It's not a common occurrence, but it's not unheard of. The question is, did Ted love her because of her, or because she represented the 'normal' life he craved?
That was a GREAT episode. I loved every minute of it. I was afraid, after the last episode and watching the preview for this one, that House may develop a drinking problem. It's not uncommon to substitute one addiction for another, so it would've been logical. However, the writers don't seem to be heading down that road, so we'll see.
I loved the way the episode was set, and House's session with Nolan.
Wilson... was kind of an asshole. Well, okay--maybe not actually, since it's understandable that he would want some privacy with his girlfriend. Still, he bought the condo for him and House. And yeah, he didn't know his ex-wife would come back into the picture, but... my House/Wilson fangirl wept.
Alvie! It was soooo great to see him again! I love him. And I'm so glad that House came through for him at the end, even though I really didn't like his sudden departure. :(
The ending broke my heart. Hugh Laurie, I love you more than words can describe. You are one talented man. ♥
I had more to say on this episode, but most of is too personal for a public entry, and this is getting incredibly long and tedious as is, so I'm gonna stop here.
Between SPN season finale tomorrow and House season finale on Monday (btw, why is this season so short?!?), I don't know to do with myself. I'm more scared than excited, honestly. I dread it.