Damn yooouuuu.

Jun 21, 2004 16:20

I AM 43% EMO!

Hmm.. I should stop listening to Dashboard Confessional.... enough said... Now that I stopped looking at my shoes, I know how the real world looks.
Take the EMO test at Fuali.com

Hey~ There’s an FFX/FFX-2 RPG I'm starting up, and well…we need new members!

The RPG is Het, Slash, and Femslash friendly, so don’t feel shy about your favorite pairing…

Check it out, please? We need people badly!

Yhudran Cduno

You may notice that there's a great deal of Al Bhed used by members of the community. This is pretty much just an issue of whoever wants to use it can. There is a pretty good Al Bhed translator that you can actually download on your computer; just ask me for it and O'll happily send it along.

Sounds like something you're interested in? Join up, then! :D

X-Posted…well…everywhere x.x
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