greetings, friend. I think that somewhere a few weeks ago, you added me and so, obviously, I added you. So, i'm breaking the seal of non-commenting by saying: hello. and yeah, there is an Aqua Teen Hunger Force movie due out next march. Not sure if it's direct to video or theatrical, but my buddy saw MC Chris last week at OHio U and he mentioned it.
anyway, feel free to stop by and take care! cheers!
"if you get some asshole trying to be a cowboy, you gotta break that tough shit in two, so ya take the but of your gun...smash his nose in, he falls to the floor screaming, blood spurts everywhere, everyone listens. you may get some bitch yelling at ya after that though, so you give her a look like she's next and she'll shut up. and the place is insured, so they're trained to give in to our demands, but if you get an employee who's trying to be a hero you cut off his pinky, and if he still won't budge, tell him his thumb's next...afer that, he'll tell ya if he wears womens underwear or not."
Comments 10
And it's spelled "Reservoir Dogs." haha
anyway, feel free to stop by and take care! cheers!
and the place is insured, so they're trained to give in to our demands, but if you get an employee who's trying to be a hero you cut off his pinky, and if he still won't budge, tell him his thumb's next...afer that, he'll tell ya if he wears womens underwear or not."
i love that movie, obviously
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