Vegetarian jerky? Or other travel snacks?

Jun 06, 2011 20:49

I have kind of an unusual specific issue. I have reactive hypoglycemia, which means I need to manage my diet very carefully to keep my blood sugar stable. Every few hours, I need something that contains complex carbs, fat, and protein. And doesn't contain sugar. And also something that doesn't have to be kept in the fridge so I can keep it in my ( Read more... )

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Comments 2

ready2please June 7 2011, 04:17:12 UTC
I am hypoglycemic, and it is quite severe. I pack my lunch every day for work with healthy foods that keep my blood sugar very stable, but I use the little blue ice things in my lunch to keep the things cold. Even when I am going to be away from the house for a day for running errands, etc I also pack my lunch that keeps my blood sugar in good shape and helps me make good food choices.

What I carry in my purse for emergencies are glucose tablets for when I start to crash quickly, and both Zone and Balance Bars that are a perfect vegetarian option with a balance of protein, fat and carbs.

If you end up being interested in the lunch type items, homemade soups, chili, salads, vegies, low carb hummus/vegie wrap, yogurt/cottage cheese with a couple of cut up strawberries are the kinds of things that I eat through the day that keep me steady. I minimize my grain based carbs just because they make my blood sugar go wonky and it is very predictable.

Good luck.


saitenyo June 7 2011, 15:21:12 UTC
Yeah, I make sure to pack a good lunch when I'm going to be at work/out of the house too. Unfortunately I keep running into situations where I'm out longer than expected, and didn't bring or already ate my lunch. Yesterday I was stuck at work for 11 hours and had no food to eat between lunchtime and when I could finally go home (way past my usual dinner). And of course I was stuck in meetings all afternoon/evening so I couldn't go anywhere to get something ( ... )


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