"You forgot physics again."
"Um." Dave squinted over at his brother. "What d'you mean?"
"There." James was staring at something across the park; Dave followed his gaze, frowning. "Those children playing football."
"Yeah. What about them?"
"Ten feet above the ground."
"...ah. Crap. I can fix this, this is just-“
James shook his head and leaned back against the bench. He glanced as Dave frantically tugged out his PDA, but went back to watching the mid-air sports with much more interest. The children didn’t seem at all fazed by the lack of ground beneath them. In fact, they acted as if they were still on the ground: as he watched, the goalkeeper jumped to catch the ball, leaving a shoe behind her, and remained half a metre higher instead of ‘landing’. “Honestly, these little things, every time. Dad’s going to be so disappointed.”
“I can fix this,” Dave repeated, insistent. He was now frowning at a screen full of code, scrolling down every few seconds. “At least the grass is green this time.”
“Mostly.” James shrugged and peered over at the screen for himself. “Oh ... I see.”
“What? You see what?”
“No, no. I can’t tell you. That’s cheating. You’ve got to figure it out for yourself.”
Dave tapped more buttons, muttered a curse, tapped again. James blinked as a flower a few feet away bit the child trying to pick it.