Originally I had written something here about how I have Type 1 Diabetes and have had it since I was about 4, yada yada yada blah blah blah.
Basically I was ranting and complaining because I was upset over a message on my phone about a 'continuous glucose monitor' that I very much so do not want. I had done a 3 day version of this monitor twice already and I hated it so very much that sometimes I just wanted to curl up in a little ball and cry.
This one would be permanent and I realize unlike the 3 day version it wouldn't be bigger than pump sized or have that pesky wire that I couldn't take off for showers, but I still don't want it. There's just something that feels wrong about everyone getting to know my blood sugar every second of every hour of every day. It just feels private to me, it feels MINE and I don't want other people intruding.
So, that's a miniature version of my previously rather huge rant.
I'm still upset and I want to speak with my mother about this, especially since she jumped right in and started talking to insurance without even warning me. After all, this is my disease and my body.
But I'll deal I guess.
It's just another bump in the road.