12:07:53: @ manic_intent Man, if there WASN'T fic after the pride parade that was "3:10 to Yuma", the internet would not be what I thought it was...
15:57:33: People leaving #note2lesbians who equate lesbian using dildos with liking cock: HEY, ONE OF THOSE COMES ATTACHED TO A GUY, AND ONE DOESN'T.
16:03:51: @ goddessofcheese It's just as dumb, but we should start a new TT alerting het guys who like doing women in the butt that they are now gay.
22:27:58: @ suggestivecacti I'm sure the very thought would cause the #note2lesbians commenters' heads to explode...
18:04:11: BTW I'm in Oregon right now. Klamath Falls. I finished reference-gathering in Tulelake but parents insisted on staying another day. Bored.
18:06:28: I call my director and BEGGED for something to work on--inked scenes that needed cropping, compiling, coloring etc. No good. *lolls around*
18:16:51: I know what I'm going to do; I'll eat my boredom away! #gooddecisions
18:30:01: @ suggestivecacti I've been TRYING to get the cork out of the Pinot my parents left behind but to little avail. Anyway there's leftover veal.
20:07:42: @ suggestivecacti (1) My soft, enamel-deficient teeth, you mean? (2) Mom already tried her teeth on the cork. It's.. kinda fragile, now.
21:31:46: @ suggestivecacti If there weren't fresh cookies baking in the lobby kitchen RIGHT FUCKING NOW, hilarious shoelacey fumblings would ensue....
00:47:42: Apparently there's no sales tax in Oregon so I went and got NEW SHOES :D No more padding down the broken shoe lining when I step into them!
22:20:51: RT @Gerrark: Worst thing for your lover to say to you after sex: "You're my favorite deputyyyyyyyy."
16:32:03: RT beatonna: Idealized women in Victorian literature by lonely dudes are the most boring boringest bores on planet Victoria. 'She was a comely, pale, silent maiden; she stared at the ground a lot, she hid in cabinets when men visited for she was modest. I LOVED HER.'
19:49:17: Nick Pitera knocks it out of the park again (Tangled). I <3 his solo duets XD
12:28:04: RT Equality California: Great news! U.S. Supreme Court refuses to hear challenge to marriage equality in Washington DC: [link]
13:05:42: Val Kilmer was talking about reuniting with Robert Downey Jr. on a project. Apparently "Kiss Kiss Bang Bang sequel" meant "Mr.Peanut commercial" XD [link]
Last night I went and saw Rogen/Chou's The Green Hornet. It was pretty middle-of-the-road bromedy fare, but I really enjoyed it for some reason. It was lovingly ridiculous and really never seemed to forget how tongue-in-cheek it was being as a send up of the original "Green Hornet". Also lots of shit blowing up and cool car gadgetry. I feel like there could be a post about why I liked it so much in spite of lots of things, but I.. don't feel like doing it.
It's probably a massive personal failing of some sort that I didn't seriously start wondering about fic until Britt and Kato were halfway through their I'm-more-macho-than-you brawl. (Which kind of fail that is, I'm not sure.) I've actually already found a couple--exactly two--that I liked. And one that seemed fetishistically fascinated by how ~little~ and ~small~ and ~tiny~ Kato is (what, relative to Seth Rogen?) and just kind of creeped me out.
Still, I guess I'm tentatively feeling around into this ship, which there'd better be fic for eventually or the internet is not the place I thought it was. At any rate, I'm hoping there'll be more OK-Kato-you-need-to-learn-how-to-swim-don't-worry-Mr.Lobster-will-be-there fic and Britt being a clumsy asshole and maybe something that looks into how immaculately/well-dressed Kato presents himself and how poor his own housekeeping seems to be.
Entirely separate from this point, I'd like to never see another trailer for Drive Angry again.