From Twitter 03-23-2011

Mar 24, 2011 03:07

  • 00:48:12: *watching Nowhere Boy* -- Jason: "Is he in a coffin?" [camera pulls back] "Oh no, it's just England."
  • 17:26:45: For no reason other than Instant Netflix keeps reccing 1-star animation to me, I'm watching some awful 3D Tristan & Isolde cartoon.
    • So far: terribly floaty animation, and straight-up pilfered character designs (like a fat version of the advisor from The Swan Princess).
    • And this guy is just Cassim from Aladdin 3. That's fucking Cassim. They're not even disguising it.
  • 22:46:39: Aaaah David Attenborough deep sea documentary~!! *squeaks excitedly* I should put on something less distracting but SO COOL AAAHHH 8D
    • @jemisardYUSSSS Instant Netflix has a bunch of his docs! I like ocean documentaries in general but I have A WEAKNESS for the deep sea...
    • Hatchet fish. Best D8 face ever XD
    • @jadeprince WHERE DID MY ANGLERFISH TWEETS GO whatever POLYANDRY IN THE WILD! ..then you're left carrying their balls around forever...
    • @jadeprince I guess it's a step up from a Human Centipede situation, fused forever mouth-to-ASS. But then the boy just.. wastes away :(
    • EEEeeeeeEEEEE YAY it's the Dumbo octopus!! :D It's so bulbous and rolly and not scary looking!
    • "The worms live in temperatures up to 80° C."
      I miss you, notrafficlights. I just blurted out, "so what's that in REAL degrees?" to no one :(
    • Fuck Pandora, Earth creatures are THE SHIT.
  • 23:50:43: All right, next on the watch list, Tidal Seas! I really want to go to a local beach with a decent tidal pool ecosystem when summer's here.. Preferably with a low density of teenage douchebags. I'd like to not repeat the rage of seeing some guy fingerbang a sea urchin again >:[

  • 01:50:14: OHH! OHHHHH!!! THIS DOCUMENTARY HAS WEE ROLLY PUP SEALS *brb dying forever of cute*
    • OKAY DOCUMENTARY I'd like the killer whales' 1/2 hr playing w/ tossing the broken battered seal pup in the air to not LAST 1/2 hr real time.
    • Watching coral reef documentary now. "The polyps simply extrude their guts and digest their enemy alive." WHY IS NATURE SO AMAZING AHHHH
  • 03:34:43: RT davepell's article about Jimmy Wong's latest video sensation. [link]
  • 14:50:32: RT 5 Reasons Pop Culture Is Run by Fan-Fiction: [link]
  • 19:58:57: @shounenfight I don't know if my utter glee at seeing Raji all butched up with Autumn's spirit can be properly quantified XD
    • @shounenfight Oh Autumn XD The manliness is only half as awesome as it is *because* Raji is such a pretty flaily excitable young lady! :D
  • 21:35:05: Spotted on the Glee kinkmeme: Pyramid Head x Kurt. щ(ಥДಥщ)
  • 23:07:39: Rapunzel and Flynn at Disney World signing a visitor's iPad. ADORABLE :D

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  • 02:06:10: Wheee, the first couple seasons of Dexter on Instant Netflix! ..eww, Fuggo the Boy Prostitute is back D: #getoffthescreenfuggo
  • 15:17:13: Nick Pitera's new, AMAZING, super fun "One Man Disney Movie" medley video. (LOVE the interaction between the squares XD)

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  • 23:33:17: Y U DO THIS MAYA?? T_T #cryingtearsofblood
  • 00:29:37: Umff having the most *amazing* juicy pot roast and I'm getting it all over myself and I don't even caaare
    • After an all-nighter spent in the animation lab and then a full day at school with some cold sad rained-on pizza, this is especially good :B
  • 02:25:15: @ TheJadePrince Oh bleh D: I wasn't even paying attention to the lyrics of Blaine and Kurt's duet, I was focused on how bland that number/ill-suited to their voices it was.
    • @jadeprince Not even sure how that happened! So far I thought the show had been pretty good about playing to each singer's strengths :(
    • @jadeprince Pretty sad that that's their crowning "romantic new couple" duet. Nyerg. AT LEAST WE STILL HAVE SWEET, SULTRY TROUTY MOUTH.
  • 17:15:15: RT halcyonjazz: Supernatural as a Disney fairytale
  • 21:15:18: @feikoi Luckyyyy~!! D: I keep going hoping for an Aqualad. I just got a Robin on a mustache-shooting bike and an ugly Superman toy T__T
  • 22:56:25: "Hideaki Akaiwa is a fucking insane badass, and he wasn't going to sit back and just let his wife die alone.." Badass of the Week. Holy cow.. O_O


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