12:36:43: @tacobaco If you do sell at Fanime, I'll be there not having/doing anime fanart anymore either ^_^;;
00:03:18: Watching Ep.3 of the Supernatural anime English dub. CRACKING up. (Dean's actor = what basically might as well be Jensen reading flatly off a script.)
Um, oh my god. Missouri. /fail
LOL holy crap John looks like he should be hauling up giant nets full of wriggling fish on a tugboat...
BALLS I might've guessed. Racist Truck episode, sans racism. At least in-context-of-the-episode racism... Also, it's not a truck anymore.
On the other hand, it looks like Dean's ex-girlfriend has been replaced with a gay police chief's brother.
21:24:24: @dustyjack Buh? Is this some sort of hyper-hipster "profiteering is selling out/mainstream" thing?
@dustyjack Do I need to say anything about having fun while making money? S'far as I'm concerned that's the best way to do either.
@jadeprince Where is this wank? I need to point it out to all my animation/illustration dept peeps going to Fanime so we can have a laugh
02:48:17: Awww, watching baby!Robert Downey Jr. from his days as a cast member on Saturday Night Live. Looks like he still hadn't quite come out of his shell yet :3
@rodolphe Naww, this was pre-(caught-)druggie RDJ. He came back to host 10 yrs after his last ep as a cast member, apparently freshly released from jail XD
14:36:22: Still watching '80s SNL: Madonna: "Hi, I'm Madonna." [smiles expectantly] Audience: [complete silence] Madonna: "..I said Madonna." [frozen smile begins to look eeever so slightly stricken and she's not that good an actor] Audience: [nervous applause]
02:18:15: Meanwhile, sulking that I'll be missing out on Paul Bettany at WonderCon T__T
@notrafficlightsRELYING ON ME FOR ANYTHING IS A ROAD TO SADNESS AND DISAPPOINTMENT. Also I'm rather shamelessly messaging friends and bribing them to get me autographed swag. We'll see how that goes..
Hopefully I just won't have to wait too long before Bettany decides to do another geek-centric project T______T
@notrafficlights He's there for the Priest movie. I figure after The Da Vinci Code and Legion, it's just a matter of waiting for the next.. thing...
@notrafficlights Probably the wrong crowd of nerds (and huh, most of his geek shit movies feature him in some religious aspect..)
04:58:04: And WHOA, surprise!Paul Bettany in some Brit movie I randomly threw on from Netflix! And he's all soft-spoken and seduce-y. Good for me :D
Sit down Jim Broadbent, I can't see/hear Paul with your drunken raving..
Wait. Okay. Paul Bettany's character isn't meant to be seductive at all, that's just.. that's just the.. projecting.. that.. *trails off*
He has, on the other hand, mostly sufficiently distracted me from how very very little I give a shit what's happening in this movie.
@notrafficlights *shrug* Joanna was the only one between us who bothered to see it. Her descriptions intrigued/worried me though.
20:38:37: @ racebending Thought there was some really great discussion (and a great Q&A!) at #GeekSlant today! I hope you'll return next year!
22:17:51: @ acdf I've mostly been ignoring it, and popping in now and then for fun standalone eps like "The French Mistake". Best choice I've made yet.
22:19:54: Pfff I just found out that APPARENTLY I can register for a Professional pass at Wonder/ComicCon because technically I've done industry work.
22:21:33: Besides having work to put in my portfolio, that may be THE best thing to come of my animation/storyboards yet! (Still haven't been to SDCC)
22:24:11: I mean, except for the whole thing where it's completely sold out, and all XD