From Twitter 04-21-2011

Apr 22, 2011 03:08


  • 18:55:39: RT George Takei: Check out my audition reel for Spiderman! I was hung pretty well, no?

    image Click to view

  • 19:05:12: @deani-bean Only if you're around people who don't understand context or the Mel Brooks school of mocking things he's really critical of... Well, or if anybody is actually stopping you from laughing. (Or if they're Mouth Full Of Blood Laughs, but I'd hope not...)
    • @deani-bean And he knew you take away a monster's power by making them a joke. Plus decades later, his comedy is still as sharp as ever.
  • 19:12:33: @raane Ladies? Why they're just excellent, really.
    • @notrafficlights I would so pick up the issue and leaf through it and then continue not being interested in sex/romance with actual people.
  • 19:45:56: RT Simon Pegg: Watching I Dream of Genie. Did the American patriarchal cultural subconscious anticipate the birth of feminism with this odd male fantasy? It's like the bargaining of faltering oppressor, subjugation disguised as empowerment, chivalry at it's most transparent.
  • 17:10:24: Think I've got another comic for the pull list :D Captain America: The Fighting Avenger (So cute XD Love the art style!)
  • 19:15:50: Finally resumed watching Doctor Who. Aaand Donna seems to be attempting her best Bertie Wooster impression XD
    • No children in this house for years. Highly unlikely there will be. CAUSE HE LOVES THE MANGINA AMIRITE?? [/subtle]
  • 20:20:13: The monthly film screening for the animation/illustration club on campus--our officers know how to par-FRIDAY FRIDAY GOTTA GET DOWN ON FRIDAY

    • (Wish I could've gotten the "YEAH!" chorus when everyone fistpumped as one, or the lapdance, but my camera phone is shittyshittyshittyshit.)
    • @notrafficlights Danny got the lapdance! David even dragged the chair all the way from the side of the auditorium so Danny could have a seat XD (Also I love that you instantly knew who would be giving the lapdance XD)
    • 01:57:58: Finished Ten's run on Doctor Who. Now on Kino no Tabi--apparently I'm on a journey-to-weird-places-with-sundry-ethical-quandaries kick. (God, the episode with the creepy placid Stepford adults..) T_T
    • 17:12:11: @notrafficlights Cinderella III was, I think, kind of decent for a sequel... Especially of the set of Cinderella sequels (low bar, though). It's kind of creative, in a fanficcy way. Also Cindy gotta BUST A CAP IN THE EVIL PUMPKIN CARRIAGE TRYING TO KILL HER XD
    • 23:49:53: AHHAHAHA why am I so powerless to not watch Red Sonja whenever it happens to be on??? XD ... T_T... XD ... T_T
    • 17:41:52: Oh god my old animation prof has (SOMEHOW) figured out that he can bribe more work out of me with pictures of Kirk and Spock doing gay shit.
      • @notrafficlights And I was.. ALMOST reasonably careful to keep it on the down low!! >_> I should forward you the emails, oy.. XD
      • @feikoi Only if you can catch me in between school assignments AND before I get too drained (from same) to do some drawing XD
    • 21:07:55: RT Sean_M_Maher TO DO: ✔Take your love ✔Take your land ✔Take you where you cannot stand ✔Burn the land ✔Boil the sea ❒Take the sky from you

    • 00:36:38: See "Hanna". #fuckSuckerpunch
    • 00:40:52: @ raane Also: Bella Swan.
    • 00:44:15: For my $$, Hanna had all the stuff I wanted from Suckerpunch, & none of the stuff I didn't. (And it makes up in style what it lacks in glam)
    • 00:54:10: Oh oh also it had Cate Blanchett being multi-lingual which, between this and Elizabeth, I think might be a weirdly specific kink of mine.
    • 16:39:56: Murrr, in the lottery for a Fanime Artist Alley spot :/
    • 17:01:25: @ taconaco @dustyjack Ehn, I submitted the form several hours after the forms first went up. Guess I gotta be more on the ball than that -_-
    • 17:29:44: Cool, got a mention with some of the other animation students in the school news for the climate action project :D
    • 17:42:52: By the way, 'Captain America: The Fighting Avenger' was delightful and had lovely animated artwork and fun characters and you should get it.
    • 18:43:16: @ joannajohnen What?
    • 19:00:23: Whoo, "Gangster No.1" is on! I'll never stop being fascinated how Bettany's looks swing between 'stunningly handsome' and 'AHH GET IT AWAY!'
    • 19:31:46: Bettany: [intense glowering stare] "Look at my fucking eyes.." #MmmmWhyYesTheyreVeryBeautifulOhGodSoScaredPleaseDontKillMe #GangsterNo1
    • 19:32:24: RT @angryblackwomen: Blog Post: You sure there isn’t a way to gay park the car? cabell: I…
    • 22:48:43: @ joannajohnen What does that mean? "Overwhelmed" emotionally? Professionally? Our workloads couldn't take all the stopping for events? #quoi

    • 14:25:07: @dustyjack Super glue! Or rig up a simple pepper-spray pull-system along the piping; the harder the tug, the more it depresses the trigger!
    • 14:26:47: @notrafficlights The weekend's approaching--treat yourself to something nice, snuggle up in bed, and forget the bullshit for a while. *hug*
    • 14:34:52: Finally got paid for my animation work on the film fest trailer. I just.. can't justify blowing it all on the Absolute Authority Vol.1 T_T NO MATTER HOW MUCH I WANT TO
      • popehippo I can't believe it's been that long! And now Wildstorm is gone, and my pull list is waiting to be repopulated, and I miss Ellis' Authority SO MUCH
      • @popehippo Also I have no idea if $300+ is reasonable after 12 yrs, though w/ the Absolute collection not being made anymore, maybe..
      • @popehippo The timeline in the apocalyptic world had some decent bits, but mostly I kept collecting just to support the series -_-

    • 02:55:50: @ rcourtie Awww I want fancy lady chopsticks!! :O *envy*
    • 03:57:13: Oh. I forgot there were napkin-covered sushi in my purse, almost a week old. Some dollar coins made contact and are now a BRIGHT blue-green.
    • 03:59:41: Also my Tokidoki purse now smells like metal and fish


    • 01:46:53: I'll just go ahead and add two more people in the background to animate! That'll clarify the action in the scene! #famouslastwords #hubris
    • 02:15:18: @ suggestivecacti Oh neat! I wasn't that enthused about it from the trailers (are they getting worse?), but guess I'll be giving it a shot :)
    • 09:30:04: @ raane SITTING AND POOPIN
    • 23:04:01: @ GeorgeTakei You gave a wonderful interview! Thank you for speaking up on this issue; I hope the industry catches up to its audience soon :)
    • 23:05:26: @ gem2niki Embrace the fanon love! No one knows how to do what you like more than you do! :D
    • 23:07:51: @ whatsadeani All I ask is that she get that redesign where she kind of looks like a fabulous Viking :D
    • 23:10:27: @ taconaco LOLOL that is EXACTLY what I did too XD His voice is an earworm in itself. His magnificent, magnificent voice...
    • 23:10:57: RT @GeorgeTakei: WB thinks it needs white leads to sell Akira. That's insulting to white audiences and deprives Asian actors of rare opportunity
    • 23:20:38: @ whatsadeani Hm, there was less Viking in this than I remembered, but still, thisssssssss ^____^
    • 23:24:39: @ whatsadeani (By "less," I mean, "looking at this now after so long, kinda none, even if she's got a pretty sweet helm," but SHHHHH.)
    • 23:33:08: @ whatsadeani I kinda like her messy bangs.. Also, much approval for butching up Bow (even if I kinda miss his slutty costume) XD
    • 23:33:32: @ whatsadeani (Not because it looked good--at all--but because it was what it was XD)
    • 23:39:33: @ somejane Nobody looks good with that mustache. At least not without some chin scruff. Item A: various Tony Starks.
    • 23:42:04: @ whatsadeani Ahhh yeah. I do approve of the artist's rebellion against leggings, but I think she'd have been fine with a skirt or something

    • 00:52:51: @ Comics_mithen Hey Jen, need your help with something--what was that comic where Supes/Bats are in feudal Japan and Batman is a woman..?
    • 01:06:32: Listening to The F Plus, laughing my ass off XD // "If you were a vampire in Twilight, what would your power be?" "I'D BE THE X-MAN STORM!"
    • 01:51:16: @ Comics_mithen Awesome, thanks a ton!! :D
    • 02:39:04: @ ScuttlebuttInk I CAN'T believe I missed the page before this and just OH MY GOD. I AM SO FULL OF DELIGHT & EXCITEMENT. I CAN BARELY MOVE.
    • 03:32:45: @ suggestivecacti I THINK I NEED YOUR NEW MAILING ADDRESS (or old, whatever, where you're living right now!)
    • 14:05:40: @ ScuttlebuttInk You COMPEL me to LOVE the boyses in drag ^_^ (But also it's Raji. I'm loving *everything* he does ^______^)
    • 14:22:49: @ GeorgeTakei To a man I admire for so many reasons, I hope you have a very happy birthday! :D
    • 16:11:30: @ raane Wasn't that the case with gravity...?
    • 16:12:19: Watching this bid like a HAWK >:[ #thisiswhyicantsavemoney

    • 10:47:53: In the wee hours of this morning, I was aching to collapse into bed. And then I found that the cat had vomited all over it. And my pajamas.


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