21:22:03: @ somejane Oh yes! I was gathering dialogue & the guy who did his through the iPhone sounded way better than anything I got on an actual mic.
21:49:51: @ curvytangerine What kind of trap did you get? We had some rats for a while--had really good luck with the black plastic/peanut butter one.
01:55:43: That moment where you realize you haven't backed up the most recent save files from your (final-reel) animation scenes from the school comps
17:11:39: Crap crap CRAP I'm drifting into another Star Trek fandom (Deep Space Nine), I *so* don't need this distraction right now T_T
Damn you Doctor Bashir...
@deani-bean Is it pretty consistently good throughout or do I have a Heroes-esque letdown to look forward to in later seasons?
@deani-bean Awwww I hate character death :( Still gonna give it a go though, I AM hearing good things. I'll just treat it like Death Note..
12:53:00: @deani-bean What's to judge? I thought Kick Ass was generally regarded as pretty good. (Plus, as a deconstruction of the super hero genre I liked it WAY more than the Watchmen movie..)
@jemisard Nrrg compulsion... *cries* Ye-e-e-e-he-hessss links to fic plz T_T (So far I've been relying on authors I already know, like thehoyden..)
@deani-bean GUH MY SHIPPY CUP RUNNETH OVERRRRRR 8O (Man last time I got that was the actor-admitted Sylar/Mohinder...)
@mithen THEY'RE AMAZING HOMG I'm so going to be hitting up my flist for recs once finals allow~!!! :O
13:11:16: Uganda "Kill the Gays" bill could be passed in 72 hours-sign this urgent petition to stop it! #AllOut4Equality[link]
23:29:10: RT TheWrap: "Judd Apatow: Are Women Funny? Does Maya Rudolph Poop in the Street?" [link]
23:52:22: Ugh, laundry. Wasted the last TEN minutes untangling the Gordian Knot of long sleeves, bras, and pajama drawstrings w/ puff balls on the end...
04:27:35: @ acdf *blink* That's a thing? I've.. never heard of the practice and it honestly never occurred to me, but it sounds smart :O
11:12:51: @ somejane Indeed! "I don't have to be responsible for checking my behavior; if I'm an asshole, it's someone else's fault for not saying so!"
11:14:11: The Maya lab got new rolly chairs. Slowly but surely, I'm going to morph into one of the people in Wall-E with the baby legs and tiny bones.
20:51:25: @ curvytangerine The one where they announce Prom Queen and there was like that ONE kid who was all 'uh.. yay? *clap* ..no...?'
20:56:16: @ curvytangerine Ohhhhh it looks like Kurt is about to anyway!!! :O (Aww, Brittney thinking of Kurt.. T_T)
20:58:25: Wait, that's it? ...I'm not sure I understood what just- OH MY GOD THEY'RE DOING THIS #Glee #everythingsoawkward
21:01:37: .@ curvytangerine McKinley is totally a mishmash of quasi-reality-for-the-sake-of-afterschool-special and total-escapist-teenage-dream O_O
21:03:52: @ curvytangerine So. I enjoyed Kurt's wonderful prom getup (not even usually partial to kilts) and the fact that Blaine did dance with him.
21:06:19: @ curvytangerine Anything I missed in the first half of the episode that was awesome/sweet/noteworthy?
21:11:02: @ curvytangerine Yes! Then I was perplexed what Burt was talking about, 'what happened to Blaine'--I assume bad experiences w/ his own prom?
21:15:20: @ curvytangerine D: Oh Blaine..! I assume it was Kurt's Bambi eyes that won him over?
21:24:13: @ curvytangerine I read fic once where a Dalton had a conspiracy theory that Kurt was a Disney princess & mind controlling them. Totally apt.
14:39:07: RT @God_Damn_Batman: Recession has hit Gotham hard. Expanded the lower class and created new criminals. Good thing I'm rich and love mai ...
14:44:55: Max Adler is RTing all the tweets he's getting telling him that his part as Karofsky is helping them/friends come out to loved ones. #Glee
14:46:36: Which bolsters my feeling that however inconsistently the show/characters may be written, I'm still glad #Glee is on the air :)
14:51:33: On that note TLo points out that #Glee is the first mainstream show to offer *3* different representations of gay men http://bit.ly/iSpjrS
14:52:21: @ curvytangerine Like BTW (the song), I think I've come to appreciate it more for what it's trying to be than what it is. Every time I finish
14:53:03: @ curvytangerine an episode, any part of me that's not flailing over songs or the characters I like is reflecting that it's kind of awesome
14:55:20: @ curvytangerine that tons of young kids/families all over the US LOVE this show, and are actually taking some positive things from it.
14:56:06: @ curvytangerine I'm a liiiittle more divided on its representation on queer women--Santana I like, but I'm finding the way they're tackling
14:58:56: @ curvytangerine Brittany seems to be tying into some unfortunate bi stereotypes (which I hadn't noticed til the last two eps). I'm waiting
15:00:31: @ curvytangerine to see how they play that one out, though. (Maybe I should just be thankful she's still shown as likable/monogamous?)
15:05:03: @ curvytangerine Oh no, her promiscuity in general is pure Brittany. I'm looking squarely at her Santana-Artie relationship.
15:07:47: @ curvytangerine I liked that she was clear that even though she was "a little bi-curious" (though that made me a little eh) it didn't mean
15:08:51: @ curvytangerine that she wasn't faithful to whoever she was with. And.. then somehow her "fooling around" with another girl "isn't cheating"
15:11:33: @ curvytangerine Brit also says that line to Santana (after Santana tells her she LOVES her D:). I WANT to think she's just parotting.
15:13:04: @ curvytangerine I was about to mention XD I was glad they made a point to say "Santana is manipulating you!" which makes the (unfortunately
15:14:38: @ curvytangerine still prevalent mindset) of 2 girls=not "real"=not cheating all the more suspect, as it should be. And weirdly I was really
15:16:18: @ curvytangerine glad that Artie WAS so upset about it (I've met too many guys who're like LOL IF MY GIRL SLEPT W/ ANOTHER GIRL I'D LOVE IT)
15:18:34: @ curvytangerine So yeah I'm trying to take the same position that she's just being naive Brit, but I think they need to call her out more on
15:22:35: @ curvytangerine *specifically* that sort of stuff. (But of course by "calling out" I DON'T mean telling Brit she's stupid, oh Artie..)
17:44:32: Summary of waking up this morning -- Me: [opens eyes] // Cat: "Meow! Hrrf-" [pukes on my blanket]
17:53:45: @ doushi_sumeragi But it's basically HER BED, and she just lets me sleep in it/yells at me to sleep in it to keep her extra toasty D:
19:23:53: @ curvytangerine (I should add that by guys who say that, I mean "if my gf sleeps w/ another girl it doesn't COUNT enough to be cheating.")
19:25:02: @ doushi_sumeragi Ohh you're right! Either she knows I'll just clean it, she doesn't care, or that's her final effort wake-up alarm XD
10:55:10: @asaphira-sachi LOL who else? Miyuki and I go there as our regular karaoke place too XD (They have a cheap morning special, too!)
@asaphira-sachi I like their list--it's updated semi-regularly, dates from classic to new, has anime, American, Japanese, Chinese, Korean, etc... The downside is that they don't have the original song audio but midi-like instrumentals, but that might be common in karaoke?
14:49:08: It mystifies me that once I get horrifically busy, THAT'S when the fanart bunnies start rolling in (and I comply); not when I HAVE free time
20:41:14: @ravenno None of the things I'm driven to do now have any place at Fanime... ^_^;; (Told you, I'm just gonna be there to help you :P)