New Theories and Findings

Apr 13, 2007 01:18


{Adrastus}:The mythical king of Argos whose life was closely tied to the legend of king Oedipus of the city of Thebes and, indirectly, to the fall of the city of Troy.

Hmm, well it's mythological background is foreboding to say the least, but the appearence of a Cerberus creature ( Three headed dog, gaurdian of the gates to the underworld (1)) is odd as well.

Thanks must be given to a Mr. Riou for compiling quotes from the creature ( Reference )

(A)The creature states that there are no longer four deities, but three. We can only infer this means one has either dissapeared, or lost it's status.
I believe that one to be King, as again, the creature states.

(B)The reference to paintings likewise put me in mind of the Hall of the Lost. It is the closest thing to a gallery we possess within the City...but strings?
Puppet strings, or perhaps a stringed instrument? Difficult to say.

(C)A name, however, I believe an important key to this mystery. There is much in a name. It is what defines us, and lends us heritage ( be it in the form of a surname, or a title)
Without a name? We do not have an identity.
I speak from experience in this respect....

'King' can, arguably, be considered a title rather than a name. If the deity King is nameless, would that mean that he is then inexistent? That he has somehow dissapeared?
If this is so, it begs the question; Why?
Memories are a common theme here, for the clock runs on our emotions, and it is common for strong emotion to be tied to memory.

This statement is also perplexing:

Know all names. Names all change.

Know the name. Pretend. Adastrus. The painter.

Adrastus pay. Adrastus want in return.

No more questions. Pay for brushes. Due.

Now, consider if Memory is the paint by which the creature refers, then would not the 'brushes' be the weavers, or makers of memory?
In short; Us?

Is it possible the deities, such as King, have been lax in whatever duty it is that requires the gathering of paint?
If so, then this Adrastus may be a sort of task master sent to motivate the collection of emotions or memories. This may be why King, who may or may not have had a name to begin with, has disappeared. After all, the phantom visitors of late can not have all entered the City unless the barrier was in some way becoming defective?

{In Summation}

Before further speculation can be proven, we must investigate both the Hall of the Lost, and the Opera Abandoned ( Simply to rule out it's ties to a musical reference)
These may both be dead ends, but part of any logical, scientific investigation, is the ruling out of false Hypothesis as well as formulating and testing correct ones.
{End Report}

Any and all input is greatly appreciated, and quite welcome.

theories, adrastus

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