Wow. I can't believe he really passed over Bailey like that. Unbelievable.
This Izzie and George thing has been making me hate Izzie and George. And now it's making me hate Callie, too.
If Derek and Meredith break up, I will be so pissed. With all the show has put them through, the audience deserves some happy time as a reward. I'm a Mer/Der shipper. That's why I started watching the show, and I never really "got over" it. So yeah, I want them to live happily ever after and have lots of puppies and babies. And I thought that since I hung in there these last three seasons, I was going to get some of that. But apparently not. And that sucks.
Derek is acting like real jerk. (I'm not quite prepared to write him off simply as "a jerk," rather than "acting like a jerk." But I'm getting there.) His love speech melted me the tiniest bit, but I think it's bullshit. Of course Meredith has been absent lately, after all that's happened. Maybe if he was a little more goddamn supportive, instead of flirting with other women and then telling her about it, Meredith would feel a little more certain about their fucking relationship. ...Okay, I'm there. Derek is a jerk.
Christina looked beautiful, and she breaks my heart. That was such a great scene with her and Meredith. I also loved Meredith's pep talk. But then my heart was broken with the crying and the dress getting cut off. Not that I think they should have gotten married, because Burke is even more of a jerk than Derek, but still. SO SAD.
I want my old GA back. I don't like this new, sad one. :(