[Tarvek is a weekend sight to see: he ambles from the house in neat chinos, with a short sleeved, blue-checked oxford style sport shirt, with a pair of docksiders on his feet. In his own opinion the only off-element would be the ugly glasses. Poor boy. Such a blow to his amour propre. ]
[He waves to neighbors, considers the state of the grass (
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I'll be right over!
Hi, Ilsa! Mayfield sent me a present!
These were the glasses you had at home?
[ She reaches up, but then draws her hand back before touching them, instead letting her hand rest on his lapel. ]
They look... fragile.
[ Her tone might be doubtful, but her smile is wistful. ]
Fragile!?!?!? I will have you know these pince-nez have survived a ride on a giant mechanical tiger, battles with the Muse of Protection, floods, fire, assaults by stupid-annoying Wulfenbach, and more. They've come off on occasion, but they never break, and I have always gotten them back. They're small, light... and elegant! Do NOT forget that they're elegant!
Small, light and elegant would do you no good if someone got carried away. Durable is... much better.
[ Outwardly, she's examining the little glasses, but she's open to read his reaction to her words. Extremely open. ]
But, liebechen,They are by far more secure and durable than those terrible horn rims you so admire! There are no major moving parts. Suspension depends on a more or less whole nose, rather than on two whole ear pieces. There is no unbalanced torque on the framework, and the entire thing depends on simple gravity and friction... it's hard to damage these, love.
The horn-rims? One screw works loose and the entire pair of glasses becomes useless. A broken ear piece? One is helpless. And the frames are much more easily broken than these: gold over tempered Baronium, developed by some of Herr Wulfenbach's captured spark liege men.
[He's studying her. She seems so wan and... hopeless? So much less stable than usual. What has hurt her?]
[ Her smile changes from resigned to mischievous. ]
I wouldn't have called them good eye protection for a lab, but at the same time, now I don't have to worry about them getting crushed.
[ ...and she tucks them into her blouse. ]
But...but... Iiiiiiiiiiislaaaaaaaaaaa! I just got those back!
[Forlorn. He wilts a little before her very eyes.]
Don't you like them? Even a little?
Now that I know I won't damage them beyond a few smudges? [ She shrugs in a way that will create smudges, and chuckles. ] I like them much better.
[ She slides her hands up to his shoulders. ]
Willing to pay a forfeit for them?
A forfeit, eh? [Nuzzles her hair, smiling as he does. She will catch the fondness, the amusement, the willingness to play, and the intense curiosity. Whatever is she up to?] Well, love, what do you have in mind?
Two items.
First, one serious item. I know I might be getting some not-quite-safe items back through the mail in the future.
[ Ilsa heads down the stairs, leading him into the public area of the apartment downstairs. ]
I was lucky Nall found me so quickly after I was blinded by the Sight. My last two have been sneakier. You've not had anything traumatic happen to you from the postman, that I know of, but...
[ She turns to face him, taking both hands in hers. ]
...if I agree to the same restriction, can you wait to open any new packages until you have someone with you?
Yes. I think so.
And the second?
[ Her smile turns teasing again as she leads him into the private space. ]
... if you can retrieve them without using your hands.
[ She shuts the door behind them. ]
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