What a day.
The change check waiting for me was a cruel joke. They lure me in promising me money. I find out I've been dropped from the university and all of the work I've done in Physics has been for fun.
I went before class to pick up the check, they say I can't have it until the 16th, but they don't know why. I was told to come back after 4 to talk to the person who would know. I went back and asked what it's for and they said it's for me dropping to ZERO hours for the summer (they had me listed as dropping out). And not only were they saying I dropped, they said I dropped AFTER the full refund cut off, which is total bullshit. I spent more than an hour trying to get everything straight. They said I dropped on June 3, when I actually dropped a class but immediately added another on June 2nd. They had a record of me dropping the cancelled class and picking up Biology, then dropping Biology and that was it.
It ends up when I went to the cashier's office to confirm my schedule, the student worker that helped me actually caused me to be dropped by the university. He didn't file their copy of my bill confirmation, and even though I had a fucking copy of it they said that I didn't come do it.
I ended up with a letter signed by the registrar telling them that the university made an error and I was to be put back in my class and I was NOT subject to any fees. I take them the letter and they try to charge me the missing 10% of the change check they wouldn't even give me earlier, plus a $20 late registration fee. I asked to see the letter, I took a highlighter out of my purse, highlighted the statement of exemption then returned the letter to the supervisor.
I hate student workers. I hope they all die.
On a more positive note, my physics professor accepted the equations I derived for one of the word problems on the test, so I got full credit. I was expecting to get 25% credit on that problem because I technically didn't use a kinematic equation. I suppose deriving my own was slightly more impressive than regurgitating something? It was nice. Equally nice was sleeping for 9 hours. I usually only get that much sleep if I'm sleeping with somebody else. I also dreamed about a lot of people I knew, many of which I've slept with (simply sleeping-- minds out of gutters). It was thoroughly amusing.