“now, i’m sorry to his fans… but i’m going to marry micky.”
바보 a u t u m n k i s s
Three in the morning; the moon is still out, and the sun long gone. Junsu wants to pass out as soon as he hits the comfort of his bed. Unfortunately, there’s the trouble of hygiene - cleanliness that maintains health. Unless Junsu wants a messy wake-up, he still has yet to remove leftover make-up caked on his face and grimy sweat that had compiled over long hours of vigorous dancing.
So he lie on the apartment sofa, bored as hell, wondering when Yoochun will finish his time-consuming shower.
Before long, he finds himself imagining the slender naked man in the shower.
So wrong.
Ten minutes later, the baritone singer comes out of the bathroom, eyelids drooping heavily and body languid from his warm shower.
“About time!” mutters Junsu. He almost shoves Yoochun in his rush to enter the shower stall. Hastily, the young man turns on cold water despite the chilly weather.
After his “unconventional problem” is fixed, he switches to a higher temperature and soaps whatever skin he can reach, rinsing off the suds off with a sigh. He massages the beauty chemicals from his hair, finally feeling a sense of relief. A few more preparations and he’d be ready to fall into a deep sleep.
It doesn’t take long for Junsu to start padding into his bedroom, bare feet and all, with a towel wrapped around his head.
He ruffles the small towel through his yellow locks until he is sure they’re no longer wet, throws the piece of terry cloth into a laundry hamper nearby, and pauses when he spots Yoochun on his bed. The baritone’s legs are wrapped a pillow, his face crooked into the square piece of fluff.
Adorable, thinks Junsu.
He ponders about whether or not to simply leave Yoochun there without a blanket or an operating humidifier. The man did take over his bed…
Nevertheless, Junsu’s sympathetic side rejects the callous idea, and he soon finds himself turning on the duck-shaped humidifier by his bed stand. He places a wooly blanket on the slumbering man, then tucks it around him. The tenor stands back to look at Yoochun for a minute. Smiles.
Ten seconds pass by.
He gazes at Yoochun longingly. Muddy brown eyes travel to plump pink lips. He fidgets.
no, no, no i won’t take advantage of him
He lies.
Junsu cautiously leans down and presses a chaste kiss his crush’s lips. Yoochun continues to snooze. A hint of tongue runs along the older man’s bottom lip. Savors the minty touch.
Another pining glance at the lump on his bed and Junsu proceeds to climb into Yoochun’s empty cot, basking in the musky scent of Yoochun.
When Yoochun's sure Junsu has fallen asleep, he opens his eyes.
Amused, he chuckles.
Yoochun makes sure to tease the endearing man as much as he can the very next day.