(no subject)

Jul 05, 2005 14:43

In the last 24 hours you...
[  ] got in a fight
[ x ] took a shower
[  ] gave a dirty look to someone
[ x ] cried
[  ] did a cartwheel
[  ] went to school
[  ] shopped
[ x ] danced
[  ] got sick
[ x ] did something you regret
[  ] ate something gross
[  ] discovered something new

You consider yourself...
[  ] hot
[  ] ugly
[  ] mean
[  ] popular
[  ] geeky
[x ] normal
[  ] a trend setter
[  ] gothic
[  ] a wannabe

Right now you are...
[ x ] in your pjs
[  ] drinking
[ x ] listening to music
[  ] watching a movie
[ x ] iming someone
[  ] talking on the phone
[  ] eating

Have you ever...
[ x ] been kissed
[  ] lied to your best friend
[ x ] dyed your hair
[  ] dressed punk
[ x ] kissed a girl
[ x ] saw someone naked
[  ] sucked on your toes
[ x ] danced in the rain
[ x ] lied to your parents
[ x ] cried in front of lots of people
[ x ] went bare foot in the snow
[ ] played hockey
[ x ] made your own clothes
[ x ] forgot to wear a bra
[  ] peed you pants


[ x ] I am a teenager.
[ x ] I have smoked/done drugs before.
[ x ] I have a friend who smokes/does drugs.
[ ] The last time I cried was while I was watching a movie.
[ ] I cry often.
[ x ] I love shoes!
[ x ] Whenever I'm bored, I usually just listen to music.
[ x ] I'm ALWAYS bored.
[ x ] McDonald's is better than Burger King.
[ x ] I prefer rock music over rap or R&B.
[ ] The reason I couldn't answer the last question is because I like all or most types of music.
[ x] I like to read.
[  ] I have good grades and I'm still better than you!
[  ] My CD collection is so big I took a whole day just to count them all.
[ ] It didn't take a whole day, but my CD collection is still big.
[ ] Troy is one of my favorite movies.
[x ] I have at least 2 siblings.
[ ] I love cheesecake!
[ x ] I cuss too much, and I know it.
[ x ] I have a friend that I look up to because (s)he is a great influence.
[ ] I am obsessed with a hot celebrity.
[ x ] Ah h8 pPl DaT tYp3 lYk Di5.
[ ] The reason I couldn't answer the last question was because I COULDN'T READ IT!
[ x ] I think homework on the weekends should be outlawed.
[ x ] I think homework period should be outlawed.
[ ] My favorite color is red.
[ ] I love changing my layouts.
[ x ] I have taken a shower with more than 2 people of the same gender as me. With or without bathing suits. ;)
[ ] I am going to/planning on going to a concert in the next month.
[ ] I like cats better than dogs.
[ ] I can't wait for Pirates of the Carribean 2 to come out!
[ ] I live in California.
[ x ] I want to live in California.
[  ] I like football.
[  ] I should be doing my homework now, but ... hey, I was bored, what can I say?
[ ] I hate eggs.
[ x ] SpongeBob is awesome!
[ x ] Randomness makes me laugh. Really loud.
[ x ] I'm thirsty.
[ x ] I like DVD's.
[ x ] I can't wait for Christmas.
[  ] I have a certain name for idiots, and I claim it as my own!!!!
[ x ] In the last 24 hours, I've talked to somebody on Instant Messanger.
[ ] I am currently on a laptop.
[ ] The laptop belongs to me.
[ x ] I wish for a lot of things.
[ ] My birthday is coming up sometime this month.

Have you ever..

(x ) made a wish
(x ) tied your shoes
(x) eaten cake
(_) signed a contract
(_) made something explode
(_) directly and knowingly supported the pornography industry
(_x) sent something through the US mail
(x_) been very angry
(x_) gone a day without eating
(x_) stolen something you considered "insignificant"
(x_) watched more than three different television shows
(x_) prayed
(x_) had a conversation that you considered very personally meaningful
(x_) been intoxicated by any substance
(x_) thrown up
(x_) gotten paid
(x_) gone a night without sleeping
(x_) broken something you like by accident
(_) envied someone very strongly
(x_) finished an artistic project
(x_) hated
(_) fucked
(x_) made very loud noise
(_x) made noise that was too loud
(x_) given a thumbs up
(_) agreed to go to Highland Park, CA within the next week
(x_) slept in a bed that is not, or has never been, your own
(_) sampled (up to interpretation)
(_) listened to Pat Benatar's "Love Is a Battlefield"
(x_) been drunk.
(x_) smoked pot.
(x_) kissed a member of the opposite sex.
(_) rode in a taxi.
(_x) been dumped.
(_) been fired.
(x_) been in a fist fight.
(_) had a threesome - kissing or otherwise
(x_) snuck out of my parent's house.
(_) been arrested.
(_) made out with a stranger.
(_) stole something from my job.
(_) celebrated new years in times square.
(_) went on a blind date. 
(x_) lied to a friend.
(_) had a crush on a teacher.
(_) celebrated mardi-gras in new orleans.
(_) been to europe.
(x_) skipped school.

This summer...

how old will you be-16
how many more friends do you think you will make-no idea

what sno-cone flavor will you get-  uhhh i dont know
where are you going on vacation-nowhere
will you go swimming- of course..i do have a pool
will you go to the lake- maybe
will you have a boyfriend- doubt it

will you play in the rain- course
will you be going to a party- psh yeah
will you have fun- deffinatly
will you hang out with friends- of course
what camps are you going to- none
What is your favorite thing about summer? people
What trips will you be taking this summer? none
What is your least favorite thing about summer? heat
Are you looking forward for school next year? in a way, only to see some kids

BOLD the things that apply to you---

::1:: I eat McDonalds for breakfast most of the times.
::2:: I'm obsessed about surveys.
::3:: Pink is a cool color.
::4:: I have an ipod.
::5:: I hate pepsi.
::6:: I like rockers.
::7:: I am a genius.
::8:: I'm planning to call my friend right now. or sooner
::9:: I buy my shoes at Payless.
::10:: I still watch looney toons.
::11:: Chocolate is good.
::12:: I have over 5 friends.
::13:: I dislike school.
::14:: I think cats are better than dogs.
::15:: Dogs are the best.
::16:: I like In-N-out burgers.
::17:: I like the month April.
::18:: My birthday is comming up.
::19:: I like to read.
::20:: I like uploading pictures.
::21:: I have a myspace.
::22:: A computer is better than a radio.
::23:: I have a pet.
::24:: I was born on the year 1991.
::25:: I wanna eat something.
::26:: I like video games.
::27:: I'm a total neat freak.
::28:: I like everyone.
::29:: I'm ugly.
::30:: I'm hot.

Italic the ones that just recently happened this week---
[31] I cried.
[32] I got pranked.
[33] I'm happy.
[34] I went to a doctor's appointment.
[35] I took a shower.
[36] I ate a cookie.
[37] I read an interesting book.
[38] I was listening to a song.
[39] I wore shorts.
[40] I ate a brownie....(haha Hmmmmm)
[41] I met a new friend.
[42] I watched teletubies.
[43] I sang a lullaby.
[44] I went to a very far place.
[45] I farted.
[46] I'm so full.
[47] I got so mad.
[48] I burped.
[49] I fed my pet.
[50] I bought a new shirt.

Underline the ones that make you happy---
[51] Hanging out with my friends.
[52] Listening to music.
[53] Walking to the park.
[54] Eating alot.
[55] sleeping.
[56] Reading a book.
[57] Chatting.
[58] Going to school.
[59] Having a party.
[60] Giving a gift.
[61] Shopping.
[63] swimming.
[64] Looking at the sunset.
[65] Going to the beach.
[66] Having a nice dinner.
[67] Biking.
[68] Blowing bubbles.
[69] Staying at home.
[70] Filling out surveys.



green is the worst color.

i'm over 15 years old.

i will soon go shopping.

i love the person[s] that's reading my weblogs.

i think school is boring.

school's the best.

i hate bad grades in school..

i love the color PINK!

Britney Spears rocks.

this survey is boring.

tomorrow is Friday.

my teacher[s] is/are mean.

xanga is the best.

i'm obsessed with LIPGLOSS.

i love to buy shoes.

this survey is long.

this survey seemed short.


BOLD the things that apply to you. Underline things that apply to your best friend.

(((1)))I am very smart.

(((2)))I love fries.

(((3)))I hate school.

(((4)))Dogs are my favorite types of pets.

(((5)))I like the color red.

(((6)))My b-day is on December.

(((7)))Christmas is my favorite time of the year.

(((8)))I'm alergic to alot of things.

(((9)))I live in an apartment.

(((10)))I have siblings.

((11)))I am a female.

(((12)))I have braces.

(((13)))I like where I live.

(((14)))I'm afraid of bugs.

(((15)))I like surveys.

(((16)))I like summer.

(((17)))Reading is my hobbie.

(((18)))I can't live without xanga.

(((19)))I hate spiders.

(((20)))I have a car.

(((21)))I like Jessica Simpson.

(((22)))I know how to play an instrument.

(((23)))I'm a cool person.

(((24)))I'm a bad singer.  haha i love you jessie

(((25)))I love cartoons.

(((26)))I love everyone.

(((27)))I am 10 years old.

((28)))I am addicted to junk food.

(((28)))I have a cellphone.

(((29)))I like going to the dentist.

((30)))I love to laugh.



I have been to Canada.
I was born in March.
I hate school.
I am gemini.
I like black.
I share a room with someone.
I have a cell phone. 
I play basketball.
I love to dance.
I like to sing.
My hairbrush is purple.
I love Ashton Kutcher.
I love chocolate.
I like popcorn.
I am a good singer.
I have braces.
I love to go to the movies.
I have a pool.
I have a hot tub.
 I believe in love at first sight.
I like Britney Spears.
I like to shop.
I love lipgloss.
I love Dory from Finding Nemo.
I love my life
I have a boyfriend.
I have a crush.
I believe in Angels.
I am in love.
I love summer.
I graduate in the year 2007.
I love cookies N cream ice cream.
I love cupcakes.
I go to a camp every summer.
I named my cell phone.
I love make-up.
I love eyeliner.
My hair is its natural color.
I love going to the pool.
I love going to the beach.
I am a book worm.
I like school.
I am going to go to college.
I am addicted to aim.
I watch Amazing Race.
My room is yellow.
I have a sister(s).
I have a brother(s).
I wanna go to Antartica.
I love penguins.
My favorite color is pink.
I like skirts better then shorts.
I am in middle school.
I am in high school.
I have my own car.
I have my learners permit.
I love talking on the phone.
I like the name Melvin.
I don’t like Ashlee Simpson.
I like ashlee simpson.
I like roses.
I get bored easily.
I love watching TV.
I like nail polish.
I like playing sims.
I like to work out.

I own binoculars.
My room looks like a tornado hit it.
When I was little I used to collect beanie babies.
When I was little I used to collect acorns.
I like the song “Hey Ya.”
I don’t believe in chain letters.
I like to rake leaves in the Fall.
I am a winter baby.
I wish I was older then I am now.
I eat squid.
I have a boyfriend/girlfriend.
I wear make up all the time.
My hair is its natural color.
I want a golf cart.
I like to play soccer.
I like to build igloos in the snow.
I like Sugarcult
I want a convertible.
I like to write poems.
I eat popcorn at the movies.
I  go to the movies at least 2 times a week.
I have a dog.
I go camping.
I dress up at Halloween.
I wanna be a teacher.
I like the color gray.
Social Studies, History, or World Cultures is my least favorite subject.
I go to a private school.
I am a cheerleader.
I like carebears.
I sleep to 12 in the summer and on weekends.
I like Cameron Diaz.
I have seen the movie “8 Crazy Nights” at least 3 times.
My moms name is Patricia.
I hate to read.
I believe in love at first sight.
I like to wear black.
I love to skateboard.
I like to surf.
I rent movies all the time.
I like surveys.
My favorite day of the week is Friday.
I have blonde hair.
I am a brunette.
I am boy CrAzY.
I like horses.
I have a hermit crab.


Bold the movies you have seen

1. 28 Days Later
2. Agent Cody Banks
3. Ali
4. American Wedding
5. Goldmember
6. Bad Boys II
7. Basic
8. A Beautiful Mind
9. Bend it Like Beckham
10. Big Momma's House
11. Black Knight
12. Bringin Down The House
13. Brother Bear
14. Bulletproof Monk
15. Cast Away
16. The Cat in the Hat
17. Catch Me If You Can
18. Chicago
19. Cradle to the Grave
20. Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragom
21. Daredevil
22. The Day After Tomorrow
23. Die Another Day
24. Doctor Dolittle 2
25. Dreamcatcher
26. Elf
27. The Emperor's New Groove (2000)
28. Finding Nemo
29. The Flinstones in Viva Las Vegas
30. Gladiator
31. Gone in 60 Seconds
32. Half Past Dead
33. Hannibal
34. Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone
35. Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
36. How the Grinch Stole Christmas
37. Ice Age
38. Johnny English
39. Kill Bill Vol. 1
40. Lost in Translation
41. Matrix Reloaded
42. Matrix Revolution
43. Meet the Parents
44. Men in Black II
45. Minority Report

46. Miss Congeniality
47. Monsters Inc.
48. The Mummy Returns
49. My Big Fat Greek Wedding
50. National Security
51. O Brother, Where Art Thou?
52. 13 Going on 30
53. Kill Bill Vol. 2
54. Walking Tall
55. New York Minute
56. Laws of Attraction
57. Hidalgo
58. Starsky & Hutch
59. 50 First Dates
60. The Passion of  The Christ
61. The Prince and Me
62. Ella Enchanted
63. The Johnson Family Vacation
64. Home on the Range
65. The Ladykillers
66. Dawn of the Dead
67. Scooby Doo 2: Monsters Unleashed
68. The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King
69. The Alamo
70. Cheaper by the Dozen
71. Barbershop 2: Back in Business
72. Hellboy
73. Confessions of a Teenage Drama Queen
74. Mean Girls
75. Man on Fire
76. The Haunted Mansion
77. Ocean's Eleven
78. Master and Commander: The Far Side of the World
79. Catch That Kid
80. The Others
81. Panic Room
82. Pearl Harbor
83. The Perfect Storm
84. Phone Booth
85. Planet of the Apes
86. The Recruit
87. Rugrats Go Wild
88. Rush Hour 2
89. Scary Movie
90. Scary Movie 2
91. Scary Movie 3
92. School of Rock
93. Shrek
94. Shrek 2
95. Spiderman
96. S.W.A.T.
97. Texas Chainsaw Massacre
98. Honey
99. Love Don't Cost a Thing
100. Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
101. Paycheck
102. Final Destination 2
103. The Wild Thornberry Movie
104. Rugrats in Paris
105. Master of Disguise
106. Big Fat Liar
107. Deliver Us From Eva
108. Eternal Sunshine on the Spotless Mind
109. Oliver Twist
110. Malibu's Most Wanted
111. Pirates of the Caribbean
112. The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen
113. Friday the 13th
114. Evolution
115. Meet Joe Black
116. Drumline
117. Mona Lisa Smile
118. Bruce Almighty
119. Mighty Joe Young
120. Sleepy Hollow
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