Nostalgia hits in the most amazing ways.
And I mean it too.
It started with Duck Tales. And I've been slowly working through those episodes again when I got hit by the most insane urge to look up Chip N' Dale Rescue Rangers. Which brought a lot of good memories of school mornings at my aunt's house with my cousin back to me.
It was seriously a domino effect from there.
Scrolling through the Chip N' Dale stuff, I find (of all things) Darkwing Duck and Bonkers!! I'm only 19, but I haven't watched those since I was like 6 or 7!!
Following them, I saw a commercial on tv for Transformers Armada on DVD... Which made me crave the series all over again. It's what broke me into my Transformers obsession in the first place back when I was 9. So watched all of those again, cried for Starscream like I always do, and just all around became a big baby for my favorite characters all over again. Well, like any good series, you have to follow up with a sequel (Note: I do not count the Energon series as an actual series, thus it does not exist. the thing had no plot and was pretty much just a filler anyways.) So I dug through my dvds to find my Cybertron series and watched all of those.
Found my very first MP3 player two weeks ago with ALL THE MUSIC STILL ON IT!! Which consisted of The original Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles theme song (I was a little tomboy, choosing ninjas, action and robots over Strawberry Shortcake and Cabbage Patch Kids. So sue me.) And a few others I didn't even know I was missing until I heard them again.
And not but a week ago, I was telling my dad that my three year old sister would really enjoy the Fival movies! (For those who don't know, those are the movies about a little mouse in several adventures. The entire two movie series is called An American Tale) And lo and behold, I walked into the living room tonight and my sister is RECORDING Fival Goes West on the TV!! And now she's watching the Goonies, ANOTHER classic I haven't seen in forever.
That being said, I fully blame a few new obsessions on
birdiebot. Transformers Robots In Disguise (Midnight!! How I ADORE YOU) and Brave Police J-Decker... In fact, after a few things are over and done with, we're planning a series of cross-overs between BPJD and TFG1!! XD I'm so EXCITED!!!
On more dreary news, EVERY ONE of my stories have been fighting me... Suncharger, I firmly apologize for not having you fic ready yet! I promise soon!! D:
Well, that's it for a few updates.
Ciao ;D