Title: Shining Star
Chapters: 2/4
Pairing: Aoi x Uruha, Reita x Ruki, brief Reita x Uruha
Genre: AU, Romance
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: Sexy characters 8D
Summary: Uruha is a beautiful man who could probably get everyone kneeling in front of him in the blink of an eye, but there’s something missing in his life that his work won’t
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Comments 61
Thanks for reading =]
And in the end... Ruki is pure love!
Yeah, Ruki's just too adorable =P I wanted him to look like a pervert XD But it was hard... u_u in the end, he is less kinky than I wanted him to be, but I suppose I'll just correct it in the next chapter =P 8D I'm gonna have fun with him xD
A porn star I mean but when I'm thinking he is fucking lot of mens I can say a bitch too.
Though Kouyou wouldn't be like that.
And usually pornstars or bitches are with no feelings for who they're fucking but I hope Yuu will change this.
Kouyou Takashima must change his mind.
It's very interesting.
Keep it up.
Yuu is just wonderful <3 You'll have to wait for the next chapter to see if Yuu will be able to win Kouyou's heart <3
Thanks for reading and commenting ;)
That sex scene was really freaking hot and you definitely surprised me with the plot twist! I didn't expect Uruha to be a porn star haha! Poor Aoi, I hope he can win Uruha's heart! ^^
And I can just imagine Ruki being all fangirly over Reita xD It's such a cute image :3
*hugs you*
pornstars hey xD
*huggles j00*
omg I love your story <3
plz go on soon dear?
yuri <3<3
I would become a porn watcher/addict if Uruha were a pornstar XD (I'm dying to see what's hidden underneath those unwanted clothes 8D)
*coughs* anyway XD I'm glad you like my story =] You don't even know how happy it makes me ^^
Thanks for reading =D \o/ *huggles back* <3
you're welcome dear <3
hey dear, you got msn?
I'm gonna send you a message with my msn ;)
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