Title: Chameleon
Pairing: Sherlock/John, iffily platonic Harry/John, Sebastian Moran/John
Rating: R
Genre: Crossover with the Sentinel, AU, Plotfic.
Warnings: Forced Bonding, Non-con, coercion, imprisonment, incesty vibes, mild violence.
Summary: Written for
This Prompt: In a world filled with Sentinels with heightened senses, strength and
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Comments 168
Hopefully John will be back in fighting form tomorrow. They're all just so slimy and repulsive in their pretentious, suffocating daddy-knows-bestness. Ugh.
Thank you!
I have to admit that the romantic in me sorta kinda wanted John to be completely incompatible with anyone but Sherlock, or that the bond was impossible - but of course you've reminded us that he is pretty compatible with Harry as well (oh man how is THAT going to hash out?! Poor Harry... poor John!!). I'm just holding out for a good nights sleep and a short jump out the window ;)
And that tentative link is so tantalizing, uff. So much love for this chapter.
I loved when Moran thought of catching John, and raping and pinning him, it was a brutal thought, for a brutal man.
I hope Sherlock comes to his senses and busts John out. Although a showdown between Moran and Sherlock might not go too well in the physical department...
Even when he's too tired to fight, he still keeps up the fight.
Moran, wow, he's not even started to get slimy yet.
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