I had the most undeniably grim birthday. And I mean grim in the good sense -- you know, the way that kids say bad and wicked when they really mean excellent and great. I'm not the kind of person who gets really excited over "things", but I got excited over these things.
Anyone who has ever had the misfortune of spending any time with me will know that this was the ultimate present.
Meanwhile, there was vinyl:
Then these...
Which allow me to pose like this...
Greg bought the gauntlets and then put the nails on himself because he couldn't find any pre-made ones that were dangerous enough! I am very pleased with them. But you know what's hard to do while wearing them? Everything! But they're so fantastically antisocial, I can't wait to wear them to the park.
Greg also got me a hoodie with kitty ears to finish the look:
Yeah, you can tell by my eyes that it's not a genuine smile. It's hard to do a genuine smile when you're always thinking ov ev0l.
Anyway, I really quite enjoy living in this alternate reality bubble! It's much more fun. Do you think airport security will notice if I take my spikes with me to Prague? I suppose there's always the danger that they could burst my emergency life vest, although I wouldn't inflate it until I got out of the aircraft.
Also, thanks to a link from
bornfaceless, I noticed that Skeletonwitch are playing Prague while we're there... I wonder if the in-laws would be interested. Should I bring my earplugs just in case? Maybe not. Luckily they're playing Plymouth in a couple of weeks... wait, I don't really like Skeletonwitch? Oh okay. I'd really like to see Sólstafir when they come over this month, but a Thursday night in London isn't going to happen.
[pause for sadness]
Oh and guess what? The doctor told me that even liquid nitrogen won't get rid of my verruca. He said even amputating my foot wouldn't get rid of it entirely! He says I need to stop cutting it and leave it alone, and eventually it'll just die and drop off. I hate it when I go to the doctor and he tells me to just deal with the pain. If I wanted to deal with the pain, I wouldn't have wasted my time going to see him, would I? He could at least fob me off with antibiotics.
While I've been typing this, Greg has been writing a letter to the student loans company, and he just said to me, "look, I've drawn an inverted cross on the back of the envelope". He seemed really proud of himself. I smiled and nodded.