"Get it done"

Aug 11, 2005 22:08

Oh, man, where to start with this steaming pile of Season Seven dreariness?

First, may I say with what regret did I behold that it was written and directed by Douglas Petrie, whom I usually shower with admiration and awe. He's not only written some really great episodes, but he gives good commentary; he's a gabfest of entertaining trivia and amusing asides on every one of the DVDs he's commented on. Besides, he wrote "Fool for Love". For that alone I could almost forgive him anything.


This is the episode in which Buffy squinches up her mean, pinched little face and snits at everyone from a great height. She disses her friends, dumps on the Junior Misses, and calls a dead girl an idiot. And she verbally castrates Spike in front of the entire household. Yeah, sure, she needed to get everyone's attention and get them riled enough to get more fighty, but as Willow says at the end of the ep, "twinkies and smooches are good motivation, too."

Buffy also casts aside an offer of greater power from the guardians who made the first Slayer. She grouses that she doesn't want to accept anything that makes her "less human"- girl, you're already looking not so good in that department from where I sit. And I haaaate that the scene is all about feminist power righteously standing up to The Man. There's a glaringly obvious rape analogy, with the CGI'd Demony Smog attempting to fly up her skirt. And then she makes an exceedingly lame remark, after breaking a spell by destroying a staff, that "it's always about the staff". Honey, I didn't laugh at that joke when it was ultra-unfunny feminist Mary Daly making a crack about phallic microphones, on the University lecture circuit twenty years ago. Are we *sure* that Marti didn't write this one? Just sayin'.

My loathing for Kennedy grows exponentially. The character is a weird pick for a romantic pairing with Willow, and the actress's choices in mannerisms and line delivery makes me want to bitchslap her sideways. Repeatedly. Til she goes away. No offense to Iyari Limon, who I am sure is a very nice girl despite her annoying name. Still. Not lovin' the Kennedy.

I can't decide if I like the strong music underscoring Spike's scenes when he gets his duster and fights the demon, or if it's too cartoon-video game to be taken seriously. And again, may I just say how much I hated how Buffy was cutting him to shreds with an audience present. And then there's the stupid teenage girls being all "whatever" in the kitchen to a Master Vampire with over a hundred years of murder and mayhem behind him. Gah! Hate!

I liked Andrew in this one. Tom Lenk is a fine actor, and manages to avoid being a total schlemp even as his character is being milked for some really cheap laughs. Also in the cheap laughs department... poor Nicky. I don't know why the writers hate his character so much, but he's criminally underused. Suckage.

On a vastly more cheerful note, HP fans among you might want to check out this new little journal of cartoony fun!(I 'specially like the one called "in which Harry looks at Malfoy".)
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