Until I decide to make up more kinds, Elizabeth makes three kinds of requests: Item requests, monster requests, and date requests. You may post to 'accept a request' at which point it's yours until you find the necessary things to reap your reward; No one else at that point may take it after that, giving you time to go about RPing getting her things. You may opt out of a taken request later if you are so inclined, though Elizabeth reserves the right to charge you a cancellation fee if her mun thinks it would be funny.
Some requests will expire, at which point the request is gone, and reward may not be obtained. Oh well~
Oh, and she won't let you have more than three outstanding requests.
I'll use examples from the first request post as much as possible.
The format for all requests is ...
(Request #): Title
Description: (What precisely Elizabeth wants.)
Reward: (What's in it for you.)
Status: (Who the request is taken by, if anyone.)
Expires: (When the request expires, if ever)
I will also probably link to any threads or posts regarding the request upon completion.
Item Requests
If she asks for ABC Gum, that's pretty mundane and inexpensive, so just feel free to just inexplicably have it.
If she asks for something more rare, such as several TOW missiles, think about how your character managed to get it since she'll probably ask. Feel free to use your attempt to complete the side quest as a spring board for a post perhaps. <3 Remember, your request is reserved for you and you alone <33
Use your judgment about whether your character would need to go through effort to complete the quests.
Monster Requests
Sometimes Elizabeth asks for parts that come from monsters, such as Advanced Supersonic Aluminum Nazi Hell Metal From Beneath the Hollow Earth, from loot on the corpse of Supersonic Aluminum Nazi Hell Creatures From Beneath the Hollow Earth. Your character probably doesn't have them on them, so they should take the request, go kill some, bring stuff back, and get a reward. Once again, feel free to make a post about it. And who knows? Maybe its funnier if someone gets their ass kicked doing it instead of succeeding sometimes.
Date Requests
These requests are a bit different because in these Elizabeth is asking to be shown around some place for a log, such as the Netherworld Academy. Take her there and receive your reward at the end of the day.
If you have any comments, questions or suggestions, feel free to leave a comment in this post.