.65 FAQ

Aug 16, 2010 21:07

Frequently asked questions.

Q - How do I install a layout?
A - All my layouts (up to date) are Flexible Squares. Follow these 5 steps:

1. Go to Customize (http://www.livejournal.com/customize/) scroll down and in the searchbar type "Flexible Squares" and search. Apply any theme but I recommend you using the Autumn theme, that's the one I work with.
2. Go to Customize Your Theme (http://www.livejournal.com/customize/options.bml)
3. Click on Custom CSS (http://www.livejournal.com/customize/options.bml?group=customcss)
4. All drop-downs must be set to NO
5. Copy the style sheet into the Custom Stylesheet box and save changes!

Q - How do I change the size of my userpic icons?

A - Find .userpic img, .userpicfriends img, .userpic img:hover, .userpicfriends img:hover in your stylesheet and add the following code inside the curly brackets:

height: &&px;
width: &&px;

Replace the &&s with any number you want. If a layout was customized with smaller userpics do the same thing but instead of adding the code, remove it.

Q - How do I add a header?

A - Find #header in your stylesheet and add your direct link inside the ""s. I'll always let you know the ideal header size at the bottom of every layout post.

Q - Why don't my tags show on the sidebar?

A - Find #sidebar_tags in your stylesheet and remove it. It might be there twice.

Q - Why doesn't my layout look good in IE?

A - I do NOT use IE because of that reason, nothing works in that browser. I'm sorry that most of my layouts are not IE friendly.

Q - Will you help me customize one of your layouts to my liking?

A - No. Feel free to customize the layout any way you want but make sure you know at least a little bit of CSS, if that's not the case, please take the layout as it is, I put some hard work in it. However, if  the stylesheet/coding has issues please let me know in this post.

Q - Why don't you reply to your comments?

A - I read EVERY single comment I get, but it's hard to reply to all of them.

Q - Will you help me?

A - If it's a layout problem, broken link or any other issue, YES i'll help you out. Make sure to leave your question/concern in this post.

Q - Will you help me with a layout made by another layout-maker?

A - No. Please go to s2flexisquares , I'm sure there you'll find someone kind to help you out!

Q - Can you tell me how to hide ads?

A - That's against Livejournal's rules. Sorry.

Q - Will you make me a customized layout for money?

A - Message me.

I'm sure I missed some questions. I'll try to update this frequently.


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