Mar 08, 2010 13:07

Oh my god, you guys, I wrote random flashfic at work and then did a sketch for it. In a fandom I haven't written for in, like, years. IDEFK.

It's all enchanted_jae's fault.

Title: Party Time
Fandom: HP
Pairing: Harry/Draco
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Written for Jae's Monthly Drabble Challenge #49: "Cowboys and squirrels". Dear lord.

"Harrry, I look stupid!"

Harry rolled his eyes at Draco's whining and smothered a grin. "No you don't. You look cute. And besides, it's not like we had a choice - it's the theme of the party."

"But why couldn't I be the cowboy? Or why couldn't we both be cowboys? Why did I have to be the squirrel?"

"I asked Hermione, and she said we couldn't both be cowboys. And I won that coin toss fair and square."

Draco folded his arms, pouting. "Well, I don't think it's fair."

"I think you look cute. And you know what they say - squirrels love nuts!"

"Are you coming on to me while I'm dressed as a woodland creature??"

"Maybe. It's kind of sexy."

"You're sick. Besides, we have to go or we'll be late."

"Fine. Later, though."

Draco shook his head before apparating, and Harry grinned. He was going to have to get rid of that double headed coin before Draco found it.


And here's the 5 minute sketch I did of Draco in a squirrel outfit. I may do something with this at a later date when I'm not at WORK.

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omg: i wrote that!, rating:pg-13, h/d

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