NAME: Giselle
AIM: shiny wooper
WIKI NAME: briefers
FANDOM: Panty & Stocking with Garterbelt
CANON: Post episode 13, but before Panty gets chopped up into 666 pieces fglsfjfs
WHAT THEY LOST: His memory of having sex with Panty in episode 13... instead, he thinks that he just blacked out for a while once Panty showed up, and when he woke up, he had already unlocked Hellsgate with his, um, key. Brief is basically head over heels for Panty and her offering him the "virginity of an angel" was basically one of the best moments of his life, despite the shit that was going down then.
The simplest way to describe Brief only requires two words: Butt Monkey. This is defined by TVTropes as "the character who is always the butt of the demeaning joke or the "put him through hell" plotline. For whatever reason, the Butt Monkey seems to walk through life with a permanent "Kick Me" sign attached to their backs, invisible to them, but all too visible to the rest of the world." He's a loser in the most stereotypical sense of the word, constantly getting beat up by his peers and dumped into trash cans. Even when no one's bothering him he always manages to screw up and hurt himself anyway, such as by being distracted by something that caught his eye (like Panty's breasts) before crashing straight into a wall he didn't see himself heading towards. Sometimes he wants to be the hero, trying to "save" Panty and Stocking, but he's interrupted by something silly, like ghost seaweed. It's just. Very sad.
Out of all of the characters that appear in Panty & Stocking, Brief appears to be the most sensible of the bunch. Usually the mediator, he's frequently seen trying to break apart the fights between Panty and Stocking and attempts to offer them advice before they go off and do something stupid, such as when he warned them of the unlikelihood of being successful in gambling before they head into a casino. Of course, the pair almost always never listens to him, if ever. His attempts are normally futile and pointless, as they view his ideals as boring and lame. As the most "normal" character (and I use normal very loosely here), he's probably the one the audience may be able to relate to the most. He gets embarrassed easily, like when he has to take his clothes off in front of people at any point - unlike any of the other characters in the series. Welcome to Panty & Stocking with Garterbelt, Brief!
However, that isn't to say that Brief is entirely useless to the girls. As a self-proclaimed ghost hunter, he owns a PKE meter which sometimes helps lead Panty and Stocking to the ghost that they're supposed to be going up against. Asides from ghost hunting, he's generally into the occult and other geeky hobbies. In the episode where Panty and Stocking are turned into Transformers, Brief is overly excited about meeting real life robot warriors, and mentions having to tell his sci-fi buddies about the encounter. He also spends a lot of time on the internet, where he actually manages to stumble upon Panty's x-rated film that Stocking leaked onto the internet as revenge, and placed massive bids on a pair of Panty's panties.
Speaking of Panty, Brief has had kind of a freakish obsession with the angel, labeling her as beautiful upon first glance. Not only does he insist that he's in love with her, but he has some creepy stalkerish tendencies, like keeping a collection of her... boogers... (wtf Gainax???) and making sure that no one else places any bids higher than his on Panty's panties, ensuring their "protection". It's also been implied that he masturbates to her porn video, but how often that happens is hard to tell. ...Probably often. He frequently blushes and stutters in Panty's presence, and she uses this infatuation with her to manipulate him however which way she pleases. Even though she hits and abuses him and calls him cruel names, this does not deter his feelings in the least for some reason. Brief is also a bit of a devious creeper when Panty and Stocking are turned miniature and pocket-sized, playing with them and calling them cute and claiming he'll protect them... Yeah, he's a weirdo.
One thing that's very important to note is that Brief is, in fact, actually the son of a wealthy business owner. Despite this, Brief chooses to live on his own and be his own person with his own (geeky) interests, rather than the man his father wants him to be. Because of his strong conviction to be himself and pursue only the woman that he's in love with rather than his arranged marriage, he's not afraid to speak up against authorities and defy his father's wishes. In episode 12, it's evidenced that Brief will certainly fight to protect the one he loves, even if he may not be strong enough to. Basically, Brief will do just about anything for Panty, even things you wouldn't normally expect from him.
There were a lot of things Brief did in his spare time when he was at home with nothing to do - he could assemble his model kits, pose his action figures, or talk to his occult or sci-fi buddies on the net. Sometimes he liked to check videos on the net to post on his ghost hunting blog, but lately he had been starting to watch more and more news reports regarding the angelic bitch duo, Panty and Stocking. Mostly to gaze at the perfection that was Panty, when he wasn't too busy actually doing it in person. At night when he was really feeling it he would shamefully watch her x-rated video and dirty up a few tissues, or check the auctions online to see how much Panty-related merchandise was going for now (What? Her bra strap was up to $200,000 now?! Oh, he won't let that fall into the hands of some chump!). It seemed that the more time he spent with her, the more the focus of his hobbies would shift towards the angel.
If there was one particularly nerdy game Brief enjoyed, it was the ever-popular Pogeyman. But Brief was no casual player of Pogeyman, oh no - he knew how to acheive the perfect team with the appropriate natures, IVs, and EVs of the Pogeyman. And what better way to win over Panty's affections than by crafting her the perfect team of Pogeyman for her game? ...Okay, so he wasn't sure if Panty even played Pogeyman. But regardless, she'd have to appreciate all the time and effort he had put in crafting it, right?! Though Brief was one who preferred the more classic versions due to being an old-school gamer, he decided to put it together through the newest generation game, which surely had to fit Panty's tastes!
"I-I'll even set it up so that all the Pogeyman are both cute and powerful!" Brief mumbled happily to himself as he began to type up a convincing offer to one of his occult friends to have him trade him over a shiny Nilotic. Those were especially rare and graceful! What a stroke of utter genius! Panty would be in his arms in no time.
Several trades and egg hatches later (Brief prided himself on being a breeder, really), Brief grabbed the game cart with his finally perfected team and headed over to Garterbelt's church. This was so exciting, he and Panty would get to be Pogeyman masters together! If he was lucky, maybe Panty would even want to team up with him on the Battle Train together. That would certainly make Brief's week.
"P-Panty!" Brief exclaimed excitedly upon busting into the church's doors. He tried to ignore the two strange guys that were currently exiting the church, with jostled hair and overly wrinkled clothes on top of a satisfied and pleased look on their faces. Behind them was Panty, who seemed to be putting her clothes back on. Yes, he could ignore this, couldn't he? After all, it wasn't like Panty belonged him... and that was just how Panty was. "I-I made you a team, Panty," he explained, his excitement slightly tamed after that but still present nevertheless. "Now we can battle and trade Pogeyman together!"
"The fuck is that? I don't speak geek."
Brief attempted to explain, trying to make it come across as cool (because hey, Pogeyman was pretty cool to him), but he only managed to make it sound lamer and lamer the more he went on. Tired of listening to his rambling, Panty fed the game cartridge to Chuck, annoyed that she wasted all that time listening to Brief's dumb lecture, before continuing on her merry way and ignoring him. Brief was left alone, sadly poking his index fingers together.
H-Have I been kidnapped? I-I-It must be the work of a Ghost! Even though my PKE meter won't detect anything unusual... A-Ahh, but this communication journal isn't something that would be given to kidnap victims, right? At least, I've never heard of that in any story before.
[ And it's not as though it could be Corset, right? Hadn't Panty and Stocking defeated him? Still... this doesn't make any sense! ]
I know! Has anyone seen P-Panty and Stocking? If anyone can get us out of this situation, it'd be those two. They're really strong!
[ In the meantime, however, Brief is going to not-so-quietly ogle the interior design of this place. It's just like his japanese anime Dungeons and Dragons! ]
S-So cool... Just wait until I tell my roleplay buddies!
INTENT: None really - I just think that Paradisa is a great place to get some CR thanks to the wide range of characters and I think I could have a lot of fun with that with Brief. Especially considering the poor boy has been bullied for 99% of his life and could use some legit friends besides a pair of bitchy angels that like pushing him around. Also, castles! Those are cool. Brief is a nerd and will be fascinated by it.