(no subject)

May 12, 2011 19:41

Name & LJ: Giselle/protagonist
Birthdate & Age: 6/14/91; 19
Characters played in Zodion: none yet!

Name: Souji Seta
Canon: Persona 4
Info: megaten wiki
PB/Image: expressions/outfits
Canon Point:
Gender: Male
Age: 18
Birthdate/Sign: January 1st, 1994; Capricorn. Just as the rest of the year "follows" New Years Day, Souji's distinct leadership skills inspire loyalty in others. He embodies the day (and the sign associated) to a T. Capricorn is regarded as the zodiac's "top", and is the sign of quiet, strong acheivers. With the symbol of the mountain goat, persistant in its climb towards the top, the sign incorperates how Souji works hard to achieve the goals he sets for himself, refusing to stop until they're accomplished in a matter he deems satisfying. A Capricorn's pursuit in life is to be proud of what they have accomplished, though personal satisfaction isn't all they crave. They secretly desire admiration from the world around them. Souji is no different. Often going out of his way to help others, Souji privately hopes to earn their respect and even affection. It's no stretch to say that nearly the entirety of Inaba's residence regards Souji in a positive light one way or another, thanks to his efforts. With organized, careful ambition, Souji strives to keep all areas of his life neat and tidy (both literally and metaphorically). That isn't to say he's a complete stiff, though. When you least expect it, a subtle humor that emerges in Souji's comments, ranging from dry to good naturedly deadpan. Despite being a "silent protagonist" with no canon birthday, Souji has plenty of personality. He's a goat through and through.
Tattoo: A small ♌ symbol (about quarter-sized) right on his right shoulder.
Suitability: n/a

First of all, it is integral to note that Souji is a silent protagonist. In other words, his choices and thoughts are often dictated by the player's choices, which can typically range from portraying Souji as more of a helpful, compassionate person, to a bit of a self-centered jerk. However, this isn't to say that his personality has not developed consistently through the game, as he does have an inner narrative that shows through his (non-dictated) actions and choices in his infrequent dialogue. For a guy who doesn't talk much, he grows to develop a surprisingly defined sense of charisma and complexion that you probably wouldn't expect from him, considering the typical silent protagonist stereotype. Outside of the game itself, there is also much to infer about his personality based off of the official manga, drama CDs, and upcoming anime.

There's no denying that Souji is slightly closed off from the world. Throughout Souji's life, his parents had moved from city to city, which meant that it was difficult for him to become situated with his surroundings. As someone who gives off a natural sense of charisma, this often resulted in Souji having to sever friendships from the past, and thus he has grown slightly distant. Luckily, things are slightly different in Inaba - Souji is guaranteed to live in the small town for an entire year without worry of having to suddenly move away before the year is up. He is aware of his limits and makes a conscious effort to make the most out of his short stay in Inaba. When transferring to Yasogami High, he is able to make friends easily - again, it's all part of that whole natural charm thing he's got going on - and he slowly grows used to being surrounded by people who genuinely care for him. And thus, we are introduced to the friendly and approachable Souji Seta, who tries to be a part of everyone's lives and goes out of his way to help others with their problems. Always knowing the right things to say and what kind of advice to give, he's even seen as a 'mentor' of sorts by some characters. On top of being friendly to others, classmates know him as that cool and mature transfer student with a calm air about him. Naturally, he becomes quite popular in a short amount of time.

Even a silent protagonist can have his own little quirks. He's implied to be an intelligent student who always manages to place highly on his exams, as well as answers questions correctly in class without little to no struggle. This tends to arouse some jealousy from his classmates, though it's more or less friendly and good-natured. Asides from his behavior in school, he is also talented in cooking and cleaning (he is even referred to as being "good with his hands" by Yosuke), along with several other hobbies here and there, like folding cranes or building robot models in his spare time. His sharp people skills and natural talents aid him in finding odd jobs around town, from caring for children to volunteering at the local hospital, or completing menial tasks for some of the town's residents in his spare time. He's also highly involved in his school's culture club and sports team out of his own personal interest, and enjoys taking care of his little cousin, Nanako, who has affectionately given him the title of "big bro". He has a lot on his hands and takes it in stride, but he also has a tendency to spread himself just a little too thin, which could be considered an actual flaw of Souji's. His activity in his community combined with fighting shadows inside the TV can prove to be stressful, so it's really nothing short of amazing that he can handle all of the pressure without cracking.

Which is why Souji is a very dependable leader. Rather than the go-getter, take charge personality that you would expect from most "leader types", Souji presents an interesting challenge to the stereotype. Although he is indeed goal-driven and determined, Souji makes a great leader because of his ability to stay calm and weigh his options as he carefully assesses what to do next. His orders are thought-out and rational as opposed to reckless and intrusive, which means that he is fully confident in the choices he makes. One example that particularly sticks out would be when Yosuke proposes throwing Namatame into the TV as an act of revenge for taking Nanako's life, as well as all the trouble he had caused. Despite the emotions stirring within Souji because of Nanako's recent death, he managed to keep himself calm in order to think about Yosuke's proposal as rationally as he could. Quickly, he decided against the act of revenge, claiming that it was thoughtless and would make them no better than Namatame himself. This immediately provoked an angry response from Yosuke, which triggered Souji into ordering Yosuke to calm the hell down - which is probably the biggest and most emotional verbal outburst from Souji in the entire game. He can vary between an intimidating dead seriousness or a light-hearted hey-guys-let's-train approach which makes him a force to be reckoned with, and maybe even a little fightening. Another key reason that Souji makes such a great leader is because of the fact that he puts his friends before himself, emphasizing the values of teamwork and support. There are also moments where Souji will stand up and act quickly against what he thinks is wrong, like when he yelled at the two girls gossiping behind Yosuke's back to shut up. He's a dependable person who will go to any length to protect his friends.

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