Sorry guys; I've been trying to clean and unpack and clean up my unpacking, and keep to some sibilance of a sleeping schedule while getting used to the altitude. Which is harder than originally expected, anticipated, or desired.
That and I've been going to Uncle Danny's art shows with him. He's a painter and on Friday nights he goes out to the art galleries with my mum and they chum it up. Some of them have his work on display, others don't. It's still really cool though.
He's even going to show me a bit on various painting methods at some point. I'm excited. Uncle Danny and Aunt Georgia have both been painting longer than I've been alive so Its a real treat to learn from them.
Oh and I've been talking to my old roommate from Texas lately. She lived with me in High School. And she's going to be coming up here in about 6 months anyway, so it looks like I have a roommate again! We're already looking around for apartments, even though I've only been here about 8 days and haven't even had the opportunity to get all of my information switched over to get a job yet.
See, this would have been Hell'a easier had I not had to close my bank account. But, alas, they don't have Regions in Colorado, so eh. -Shrugs- So now I need to go up and get my ID switched to Colorado, Get my bank account, and file for my change of address. In that order. Hopefully he can get it done in one fail swoop; I'm tired of living so statically; I need a job. I need something to occupy me besides my writing and my runs with my dog.
Oh and speaking of moving up here, I promised you all a picture of me and my siblings did I not?
Starting from the left to the right. Megan, my eldest sibling. Me (the blonde) My Mum is in the center. Beside her is Shannon, my second eldest Sister, and then Destiny, the youngest of my oldest. My brother isn't included in this shot, as he was too cool to meet up with us when we where passing though town. Also, I have no idea who that tiny person growing out my my head is.
This was one of the best of all the shots as well; in every frame SOMEONE is sticking their tongue out, harassing someone else, Or generally making silly faces. We don't take anything seriously.
We're generally referred to as The Sisters by most people; and when we were all younger, we were inseparable. Its been harder now that we all live so far apart, but we try to make time like this to get together.