I like your dream posts. It reminds me of this web-comic called Slow Wave you send in your weird or funny dreams and the lady draws them into comic form. You should submit some to the site.
I don't know what's up with me lately, but they're really vivid and frequent. I'm glad you enjoy them! Sorry they're so tediously long. I'll have to send some very chopped-down ones in to Slow Wave, definitely.
Oh - have you ever seen Dreams of the Rarebit Fiend by Winsor McCay? That is the best old comic. Besides Little Nemo, of course. So funny.
Comments 2
Oh - have you ever seen Dreams of the Rarebit Fiend by Winsor McCay? That is the best old comic. Besides Little Nemo, of course. So funny.
I don't know if you will find it as funny as I do but here are some.
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