wow, i wish i could get a taste of you...r summer. :) it was good to hear your voice the other day. i miss ya. hey how was P-R-O-M? im sure it rocked. love ya
no way dude, there's no way you could take on me and kyle and come out victorious. we're unstoppable together, like yoda and obi when they go back to the jedi temple and mangle the clonetroopers, you might take one, but not both. it'd be like obi and qui-gon in the phantom mennace against darth maul...ya, bummer
you do realize Darth Maul was not a lord, he was still a relative apprentice, he was not the supreme being i will rise to be. MY power with dwarf that of Darth Tyranus, Lord Sidious, and Dath Vader COMBINED.
i want to live in star wars too. i hope its ok that i think it would be sooooooo cool to live like that. and fly around space. looked great jake
Comments 11
hey jake can i be your friend?
come home
get a double bladed lightsaber and battle me and kyle like obi-wan kenobi and qui-gon gin in the first movie...
thatd be so tight, at school, running on the cafeteria tables...
but id feel sad cause id have to slay both of you.
My THOUGHTS will have the power to end lives.
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