Death and Misunderstanding

Aug 01, 2008 19:38

 There are many things which I don't understand.

I don't understand why people blindly live for pleasure
why everyone goes to great lengths to find answers except to the one place where they can actually find truth
why people live in ignorance and take the "easy way out" their entire lives

Can you seriously believe all cells/microorganisms/everything originated from a common ancestor born from a primoridal soup or underwater thermal vents?
That cyanobacteria single handedly oxygenated the entire earth over millions of years?
That when people die, that's the end of it - they just dissapear into a dark abyss and nothing more?

Or can you actually honestly believe that everyone will live their lives, do whatever they want, die and go to heaven and la de da everything is all good.

Whenever someone passes away, a crowd of people start throwing out phrases such as, "You're in a better place now", "I know you'll be looking down on us from heaven", "I'll pray for you and I know you're happy now", etc etc you catch the drift.

Why? I don't get it.
Does everyone seriously believe that someone can live a life and do bad stuff or not do bad stuff and automatically end up in heaven?
Do people think that "praying" for someone after their death will actually have any sort of impact?

I guess so. But this couldn't be further from the truth! 
I don't understand how everyone wants to win the prize (heaven) but very few are willing to work for it!!

It just doesn't work that way. Living a life of disobedience, deceit, impurity, living for yourself and your selfish desires does NOT equal an automatic ticket to heaven!!!!!!!!!
Even if you're a "good" person in the world's terms, you couldn't be further from eternal salvation!
There is only one path, and that's through Jesus Christ.
No, praying a prayer or attending church once in awhile just doesn't cut it.
You have to completely devote yourself to the Lord and turn over your life and everything else to Him.
There are so many, so many simple things you must do, but hey, our sex crazed selfish culture just doesn't have time for it.

Oh well, it's not like being tortured and in pain for an eternity is a big deal.
Of course not. In fact, "hell" jokes are all the craze nowadays.

I just don't get it.
The Bible is real. It was actually written!!!!! Written 1000's of years ago. By real people. With real physical evidence all around us and more being discovered everyday.

How can you seriously put your rose colored glasses on and go on living your lives as if there truly is no purpose to life besides having orgasms and getting what we want.

Come on people, if everyone just automatically went to heaven, why don't we all just slit our wrists right now so we can all go to heaven. 

I'm not saying I'm perfect, and I'm not trying to judge or be the judge of who goes where, because I will never know,.
I'm just trying to say that inactivity and ignorance will get you nowhere...nowhere good, that is.
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