
Oct 07, 2008 17:05


♥ Critic, don't bash. Believe it or not, there's a difference.
♥ Feel free to disagree, but don't get all butthurt about it.

http://i176.photobucket.com/albums/w188/truemyheart/sparkle/05 ( Read more... )

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brigadiertardis October 9 2008, 15:24:40 UTC
The TARDIS - (brigadiertardis or hisoldgirl)
Lucy Saxon - (shatteredqueen)
Gene Hunt - (theguv)


rude_not_ginger October 9 2008, 22:37:58 UTC
No I hate you.

Right now, I'm criticizing you liek whoa cause I didn't know you had another TARDIS journal for me to follow. WTF, mate.

Seriously, though. The only criticism I have is for Lucy, and it's really more of just a "I wish I could see more of", so maybe it's not a critique. All the same! I'd love to see more about Lucy being physically abused. Which may make me sound like a horrible person, but let me explain. You have a brilliant blend of everything they stuck in her (despite how minor a character she was): Her lust for power, her parental issues, her neediness and clinginess, how she's neglected by the Master, mentally massacred by the Master, and how she's teetering on the edge of madness (and occasionally falls in) from what she's seen at the end of the universe. She's complex and so interesting and I adore her. But RTD made the makeup crew put bruises on Alexandra Moen's face, and I wanna know how that affects her (or if she's just too far gone to know anymore).

Also, we need to play more.


shatteredqueen October 10 2008, 01:48:57 UTC

W-well, I'm just playing her at another RP a friend of mine made, but since it's journal-based I had to make one for the TARDIS since I couldn't use brigadiertardis cause that would just be confusing like woah. (I also just really like that username and was surprised it was available.)

I've actually been wracking my brain for a topic to write another Lucy!prompt with and that's one of the things I wanted to look into. I mean, I have one set aside for her daddy issues, too (remind me to type it up), but I haven't done nearly enough with the Valiant!era. Talking with fa-chan, we kinda worked out something along the lines of 'The Master would hit Lucy because she'd talk back and she'd tell herself it was the Doctor's fault,' but at this point in time, I honestly wonder if she even remembers the bruising beyond people telling her: hey, you had bruises on your face.

...so yeah, I'll write that.

I agree with this also. *nods sagely* They need to go take over a world :/


inbetrayal October 10 2008, 03:02:16 UTC
okay, I'm sorry, this is completely random and out of the blue, but: I lol'd that we both posted crit threads for Lucy in here so close to each other. I DON'T SEE MANY AROUND, SO IT WAS A BIT OF A 'lolwut' MOMENT FOR ME. I have a very lacking sense of humor, I'm afraid.


shatteredqueen October 10 2008, 03:04:37 UTC
Apparently, us Lucy-players think alike! *nods nods* A-and I've only see a handful of Lucys around LJ, to be honest. I've never had the chance to interact with any of them, however. And pfft, that's perfectly fine~


inbetrayal October 10 2008, 03:08:07 UTC
Telepathic connections through the intarwebs? I know of like... -counts up on fingers- three or four others besides me around, but I've only ever interacted OOCly with the mun of the one at paradisa. They're in very low supply. D8


brigadiertardis October 10 2008, 03:13:58 UTC
It might be so! I've seen one at Para, another at Poly and another at IC Secrets, at least that I can remember... And I know rude_not_ginger has a Lucy account, but I don't know how active she is with her. So yes, I'd agree they are in low supply.


inbetrayal October 10 2008, 03:17:49 UTC
I'm actually the one at Poly. XD and I've dabbled in IC Secrets from time to time-- I was at 'cathedralgirl' before I changed her screenname a month or two back I had REALLY bad taste in usernames when I first started playing her, orz. and hmmm. is it bad that I kind of want to go and stalk them, now? XD;; I have a horrible stalking habit for other Lucys.


brigadiertardis October 10 2008, 03:20:42 UTC
Ah, okay! Yes, I knew 'cathedralgirl' but didn't realise you were the same person. That makes so much sense now! You should see some of the usernames I've made, they take the cake. As it is, I spent a good hour or two trying to figure out shatteredqueen and went bothering my Master-mun to help. I don't think it's bad, no! I stalk lots of people, mostly with this journal because it's easier to keep them all in one place.


inbetrayal October 10 2008, 03:33:21 UTC
yeah, that would explain it. XD I didn't really put much of a notice up besides in the main ooc comm, so, yeah. as;lgkj;a yeah, I had to get help on this one too. all I knew was that I REALLY hated her old one, so I went and bugged the resident Luke Skywalker/Snape-mun at our comm to give me ideas. XD glad to know I'm not the only one. >> I just tend to... remember the usernames and comms and stuff and then go and check them every so often, so I don't really have to worry about what journal I'm in. |Db;;


shatteredqueen October 10 2008, 03:38:08 UTC
Nah, nah, makes sense. It's so nice having super awesome friends~ I rather like that name you've chosen, though. And nope, you aren't! I need to stalk more Lucys, though. I think I have ... one on my flist. I'll do that sometimes, too, though! But seeing how I spend a lot of time on my TARDIS journal, I figure it's just easy enough to do it that way, too.


inbetrayal October 10 2008, 03:44:22 UTC
|Db indeed. :3 and thank you! I'm really happy with it, actually. XD I....... have the tendency to obsessively stalk every one I can find. ohgodiswearthat'snotascreepyasitsounds It's probably a bad habit, but I enjoy it. XD

and hee, I made that icon you're using there. |D I am easily amused.


shatteredqueen October 10 2008, 03:46:58 UTC
Yay for happy! I have like 80+ people friended, and an insane amount of them Doctor players, since, well ... I play the TARDIS and she's rather insistent on keeping up with what Doctors are doing.

:O You did, really? That's cool!


inbetrayal October 10 2008, 03:54:27 UTC
Makes sense. XD Since I only play Lucy at polychromatic, I only tend to use her flist for that comm. But TARDIS doing Doctor-watching definitely makes sense.

Yeah, I made a whole mess of Lucy/Moen icons way back when for roleplay use. I guess I just got a kick of seeing another Lucy use them. XD;


shatteredqueen October 10 2008, 03:56:51 UTC
Ah, I take it Poly is a journal-based game, then? I prefer comm-based so I can keep track of friends and such on my journal and re-use it lots of places.

Well, I very much like them! I have like three or four, I think, that a friend found for me and I snagged (with credit!) Though it is fun seeing your icons used. I made a slew of Suiseiseki icons back in the day and I've seen a few people use them around.


inbetrayal October 10 2008, 04:02:24 UTC
Yeah, it is. It's so huge (I think it was like... 200+ players and 600+ characters last count? idk) that I think a comm would actually get kind of overrun, so I can definitely see why they went the journal route. Though comm would be nice-- I recently apped her at another game and am not looking forward to having to make an entire new journal if I get in.

That's good to hear. XD ♥ I've a bunch more over here, though I kind of wince at the quality now. XD; The ones I've made since then are a lot better.


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