life...funny thing.

Aug 17, 2002 19:23

Yeah, today (as many of my days) I've spent pondering the whole "life" subject. My life lately has been going down in flames. Few of my friends realize parents tend to try and butt in...but I don't want my problems to effect anyone else in my life. Why does mine have to be so horrid? Why is everything so hard for me ( Read more... )

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Comments 2

Hey gothicangechaos August 18 2002, 07:23:50 UTC
You know i'm always here for you girl. We kinda travel this path together. Remember when we sat on my porch that night and we found that we do have alot in common. Thats what i mean.
Your a good friend. Take care.


Re: Hey vengeancefreak August 18 2002, 17:09:44 UTC
How could I forget that night? I was actually thought about it after I posted that. And I hope you know I'll be there for you. When ever you need know my number. Stay cool.



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