Flist spaaaaam~
-Ken's lactose intolerant, but drinks milk anyway, because he thinks it'll help him grow.
-His favorite flavor of cake is vanilla, but he loves chocolate icing.
-… He never actually eats the cake itself, if no one's looking. Just the icing.
-He drinks his coffee black even though he absolutely hates it.
-Ken is terrified of needles.
-Ken is terrified of needles because he listens to conspiracy theory podcasts; one of which told him that both cancer cells and free forming polyplastics in injections in America. Where he happens to be right now.
-Yes. Ken listens to conspiracy theory podcasts.
-The soccer team he and his mother used to watch wore the colors orange and red, which is why they're his favorite colors-his room at home was decorated in those colors, too.
-He's really fond of animals. He has a pet hamster at home, along with Koromaru.
-Ken doesn't know what he wants to do when he grows up. He didn't used to think past his revenge and had bigger things on his mind until now.
-His favorite subject is gym, though he likes science, too.
-In order to fight in the dark hour, Ken would skip after school activities and come home and take a nap. He never told anyone about this.
-Ken is basically indestructible. He's been shot at, shot, stabbed, punched, kicked, burned, frozen, tornado'd, insta-killed, crushed by a table, strangled and worse-and somehow he always comes out okay.