Welcome Post

Sep 18, 2008 12:56

Expanding some on the tidbits in my profile blurb:

I can also found (under the same username) at
I'm most active at LJ; IJ is pretty much only used for scans_daily, and there's not a lot of comics related content on DW yet. It'll be rare for me to talk about real life stuff at any of them. If you'd like to friend/defriend me at any of the journals, please go ahead.

Here's a quick fannish overview.

I consider all of online comic fandom to be one single fandom (comicdom), regardless of the publishing company, titles or characters involved. I currently lean more towards DC (their main product line, the DCU) than Marvel or the other companies, though this changes from time to time.

I generally prefer the Justice Society to the Justice League (and no, I haven't been too impressed by what Willingham and Sturges have shown us too far). Other favorites include the William Messner-Loebs and Mark Waid eras on Flash, and the previous two volumes of Green Lantern. I've started reading Wonder Woman with the current volume, and I'm pretty fond of Secret Six. Manhunter is one of my all-time favorite books.

Wally is my Flash; Alan and Kyle are tied for my favorite Lantern.

I'm not actually a big fan of the Bat-verse, Super-verse, or the (Teen) Titans/Young Justice books. I don't purchase them, though I do read fanfic about them. I'm currently reading Detective for Kate and Renee, and Streets of Gotham for my Andreyko-written Kate Spencer fix.

My Wildstorm knowledge is mostly centered around the Authority, though I've also read a few issues here and there of other books, such as Welcome to Tranquility. I haven't read much Vertigo. Milligan's The Enigma is one of my favorite Vertigo minis. Hellblazer and Sebastion O are on my "to be read eventually" list.

On the Marvel side of the industry, I pick up various X-books sporadically. The first comic I ever purchased was an issue of the original New Mutants series, and I retain a great fondness for those characters (and the original Hellions!). I've read a lot of different Marvel titles over the years, including but not limited to: Alpha Flight, Academy X/New X-men, Uncanny, X-Factor, X-Force, various Avengers titles, 1602, the original New Warriors series, and some of the Ultimate books. Despite my love of the X-books, I've never been able to get into Gen X, and I've never had very much interest in the Spider-Man or Fantastic Four titles.

Shipping, OTPs, and Such
As I mentioned in the profile blurb, I'll happily read gen, femslash, het, and slash, though my preference is for slash (or gen) with the canon gay/bi guys. I don't like character bashing (especially of canon love interests, regardless of gender/orientation). I've never been able to get into some of the more popular slash ships like Steve/Tony.

The only couple I consider OTP is Damon Matthews/Todd Rice (Obsidian) from DC's Manhunter. Even then, I think I use the term a bit differently than most people, in that I don't mind reading about them with other people. Neither shows up in fanworks very often, so I'll take what I can get.

For everyone else, I tend to be a multi-shipper (one character paired with various people), or even a poly-shipper (polyamorous relationships, threesomes/moresomes, etc).

One quick sidenote:
If you're friended me and are going through the links in the "memories" section (which are Friends-Locked), you'll notice that some of the keywords are pairings. Not every fic under that keyword is a 'ship fic about that pairing. The fics listed under it might contain the pairing in a gen situation, or one half of the pairing with someone else, or a threesome, etc. I've tried to make sure the links all contain the type (fic, art, discussion, etc.) character/ pairing, and rating. (The exception is if a link goes to a comment fic /prompt request post, which will be missing the character/pairing.) I just like to have all of the works pertaining to, say, Todd, easily accessible in one location.

Non-Comics Stuff
I do have interests outside of comics, though I rarely get too involved in any non-comic fandoms.

I used to be a big Star Wars fan (of both the movies and the novels/expanded universe) dating back to the eighties. I lost interest about halfway through the New Jedi Order series, as they were removing the elements I liked from the universe. I still consider myself a fan even though I don't buy the canon anymore. One of my all-time favorite fanfic series is in this fandom: The Prince and the Padawan by jedirita (Bail Organa/Obi-Wan Kenobi. various ratings).

I'm a longtime Star Trek fan, though I've never felt the urge to get involved in its fandom (reading fic/viewing art/etc.) I also haven't seen the latest movie yet, but I'm not concerned about spoilers.

Elfquest is an old favorite. I read the original series when Marvel re-issued it in the eighties, and I've sporadically followed the franchise over the years. I prefer the older stories to the later ones set in the future. I occasionally read/view in this fandom, especially if the story is about the elves that don't show up in fan works very often.

I read a lot of sci-fi, fantasy, and horror novels, along with the occasional superhero novel. Most of them don't seem to have active fandoms unless someone requests them for Yuletide. I've read all seven Harry Potter books, but don't read fic for it unless real life best friend mellyna recs it to me.

I don't watch a lot of television these days. The only series I've watched recently is Torchwood (seasons one and two) when mellyna recced it. I do sometimes read fic for shows I used to watch.

I've never actually played in a tabletop roleplaying group. Despite that, I have an entire bookshelf of game related books, both D&D product lines and those based off of franchises (Star Wars, Star Trek, Elfquest, various comics, etc.). I do enjoy computer gaming, be it single-player or MMO. I've been playing Star Wars: Galaxies off and on since it was released six years ago; Guild Wars is another favorite, though I haven't logged in for a few months now. As far as console gaming goes, I'm stuck on the PS2. I'll sometimes head to my brother-in-law's house to use his PS3, or to mellyna's and commandeer the Xbox. I haven't ever played in an online rpg, though I may sign up for one eventually.

If you've made it this far, thanks for reading! That should just about cover my interests. I'm pretty much just your standard geek. If you have any questions please feel free to leave a comment, or use the "send message" feature to drop me a line.

