seperis: vids: x-men first class, more and more: Tonight I'm Fucking You by kuwdora, Charles/Erik - okay, first, this is the newer high-quality footage, so if you were waiting for the strobe to end, the strobe is over and thank god. This has some of the most flawless cutting in the entirety of fandom, which is kind of the norm for her, so no biggie. The vid transitions from Erik-centric to team-centric with the change in music, Erik the badass to the students being badass to Erik again to pick up the theme that Erik does not count the cost of revenge; it's always worth the price. Okay, I'm going out on a limb on what I got out of it after five watches; it's an argument Erik's having with Charles on what he is and what he'll become. No matter what Charles thinks, he's a weapon and he treats himself like one; the students are weapons. Nothing he does is too much to attain his goals; he's still arguing it, through Charles living Shaw's death, through beating the shit out of him on the beach, up until Charles hits the sand with a bullet in his back. He could be saying, this is what I am. But he could also be saying, I'm sorry you thought I was more than this. It's a toss up. Suddenly by LightNeverFades, Charles/Erik - very, very alternate universe with a gorgeous narrative flow. With every ending is another beginning and another chance to get this right. Happy Ending by echelonslostangel, Charles/Erik - fantastic movement between XMFC and the three other X-Men movies. Some beautiful cutting to the vocals, not the beat, that works. Also, I want to cry, dammit. Until We Bleed by xCanuckChicklette, Charles/Erik - very, very short, does not change the impact at all. The Betrayer by sigyn27, Charles/Erik - it starts very abruptly and it takes a few seconds to pull into it, but the heavy beat, the clip choice, and the growing stain of darkness in Erik spilling outward is beautiful. God's Gonna Cut You Down (Johnny Cash version) by KaseytheJudge, Erik (Charles/Erik implied) - the only thing that really annoys me is the movie audio in there. It didn't need it at all. The visuals did the work just fine, brutally so. Losing Your Memory by KaseytheJudge, Charles/Erik - this is kind of what you watch when you just need to absorb the entire tragedy. Following Erik being stripped of his humanity by the Nazis and Shaw, the way Charles tried to show him what he still could be, and the ruthlessness of Erik finally discarding it entirely. It ends a little abruptly, but man, ouch. Perfect Drug by danegan, Charles/Erik - I literally can't get my head around this one more than to say, love or hate, being Erik's obsession is dangerous. The mirroring of Shaw and Charles is possibly the creepiest thing I have ever seen, and it's amazing. I need to watch about five thousand more times or so. Magnetizing by CobaltOnyx, Charles/Erik - I'll leave you to discover whey I like this one.
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seperis | vids: x-men first class, more and more: Spock's Down On His Knees by MissSheenie, Star Trek Reboot, Kirk/Spock - short, sweet, and may I say, awesome.
trek [x]
frogspace: Diverse Recs: Broments in Love (Multifandom). Male Feral Vidder schneidet Slash-Video aus Filmen, die etwas jenseits des fannischen Mainstream liegen. Ich kichere bei jeder Sylvester Stallone-Szene. Be Calm by Ayrotciv8 (X-Men, Logan). Movieverse Vid über einen meiner Lieblingscharaktere. :) Poker Face (Royal Flush Remix) by kuwdora (STXI). Das Kirk!POV Gegenstück zu dem Spock Pokerface Vid. Sogar der Song ist eine Cover-Version. I'll get him hot, I'll show him what I've got.
multi trek xmen [x]
seperis | xmenfic: within your skin (charles, emma, alex): oh you said VID recs didn't you. here are my recs. Perfect Drug I'm the boy with the bubblegum
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seperis | xmenfic: within your skin (charles, emma, alex): Suddenly || XMFC; Erik & Charles (AU) Favourite vid so far.
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[some kind of title] - Multi-Fandom Vid Rec:: Turn to Stone by scifi_tv_addict Science Fiction. Beautiful, soft, intimate, heartbreaking, stunning, epic. My heart was in my throat by the end.
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settiai: Vid Insta-Rec: Turn to Stone, by scifi_tv_addict. Multifandom, focusing on science fiction. Loss, death, and mortality in general.
multi [x]
chaila | You want to be Peter Pan: Linkspam of Awesome Things: Five Years Time by gigglemonster (Parks and Recreation, Ensemble) - This perfectly captures the warm, sincere tone of the show, and consequently makes me grin. Plus great use of the documentary style of the show for comic editing. I NEED A HERO by beccatoria (Wonder Woman) - So I know next to nothing about Wonder Woman (though I appear to have many comics in my inbox, from some sort of comics fairy, so perhaps this will change) but this is hilarious and awesome! Among other feats, Wonder Woman wrestles a giant bear. Spoiler: The bear loses.
parksandrecreation comics [x]
What's the point of a revolution without general copulation? - Insta-vid rec: Gorgeous Erik-focused XMFC vid here.
xmen [x]
[some kind of title] - Erik Vid Rec (X-Men: First Class): You guys, oh my god...This video broke my brain with its sheer awesomeness. It's exactly what I've been wanting in this fandom and with this character. Dark and fucked up and heartbreaking and tragic, and did I mention DARK? Perfect Drug by danegen My blood wants to say hello to you. Erik/Shaw, Erik/Charles THIS VIDEO OMG. GO WATCH IT NOW. Nine Inch Nails + Magneto pleases me greatly.
xmen [x]
such_heights: vid insta-rec: Rumour Has It (Legend of the Seeker, Dahlia/Cara, Kahlan/Cara) by sol_se You and I have history, or don't you remember? THIS IS REALLY GREAT. Gosh, I miss this show with its pretty and its oodles of femslash. And leather. Sigh.
legendoftheseeker [x]
kiki_eng | Adam Lambert and American Idol RPF: Tightrope by sweetestdrain is a vid that you should watch. I'm reccing it here as another rundown of the Adam Lambert narrative and to provide context. The source material for this vid includes footage from his music videos, American Idol, concerts, interviews, photo shoots,and other media coverage. I like it for its presentation of the relationship that Adam has had with the media. It does what it set out to do well; it's incredibly shiny and has some good movement to it. It's set to Tightrope by Janelle Monae, and the lyrics are on the vid page if you need them. (You should go watch it now.)
idol [x]
flourish: Boys!: From imaginarycircus, a fantastic and hilarious Erik/Charles XMFC vid!
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chaila | Awesome Thing: Another Season of Patty Fucking Hewes (and a vid rec!): First off, a Damages vid rec (yes a Damages vid!), Lullaby by kiki_miserychic. It's a Ray Fiske vid, and exactly as heartbreaking as you'd think. The song choice is wonderful for Ray, and the vid captures some really essential things about one of the best characters ever on this show (who isn't Patty Hewes). Watch it. Bring tissues.
damages [x]
[some kind of title] - vid recs:: Penelope: Sail On by secretlytodream Johnny/Penelope, a fairytale. <3 Damages: Lullaby by kiki_miserychic Ray Fiske Primeval: I Found A Reason by limabeta Abby/Connor White Collar: The Way We Get By by xandra_ptv Neal X-Men: Shattered by amelietw Charles/Erik Tristan by waterpulse Erik
damages primeval whitecollar xmen [x]
ciaan: 20 Days Of Vids meme resurrected: A vid that makes you cry Pet by linzeestyle - Smallville, Lex, Lionel, Clark/Lex. Lionel is an evil, evil father. Augh, this vid has gone offline since last time I checked! Come to my house and I will play it for you! Emmanuel by sockkpuppett - Smallville, Lex, Clark/Lex. Lex worships Clark, and Clark fails to save him. And sadly this vid is not online anymore either! Come to my house and I will play it for you! But don't be like sansets who kicked me in the shin for making her cry with these two vids AFTER I TOLD HER THEY WOULD MAKE HER CRY. Big City Life by halcyon_shift - Dark Angel, Max, ensemble. Summary of transgenic struggles. I'm not even sure why this one makes me cry every time, because it's hopeful too, it just always does. And because so many of those were offline (whhhyyy???) a bonus. Counting Bodies by millylicious - Angel The Series, Angel, Connor, Darla, bit of Cordelia. This is actually to a different remix of the same song as Pet, and the two versions of the song as well as the different characters and editing styles contribute to two different feels for the vids despite the same themes. Which is really fascinating and there could be a great vid show of vids that use the same song differently.
angel smallville darkangel [x]
naraht: ladies (individually) are awesome, too: Ashes to Ashes Alcohol by ohvienna BSG Cuz I Can by dualbunny God is a DJ by dualbunny Hurricane by laurashapiro Mainstream by charmax Trouble by tallulah71 Hairspray Good by jarrow Sarah Connor Chronicles Gloria by sweetestdrain Supernatural Ma Winchester by mithborien X-Files Crazy Beautiful by astarte Not Only Human by laurashapiro She Wants to Move by astarte Short Skirt, Long Jacket by meredith33333
ashestoashes bsg movie tscc spn xfiles [x]
alias_sqbr | Vids celebrating individual female characters: First, an multi-character vid, but it has some interesting meta about how creating a triumphant vid sometimes requires you to construct your own reality: Jack or, Adventures in Reading Against the Text, Heroes. Nikki/Jessica, Claire and Monica. Vids which celebrate an individual female character Doctor Who: And she was Rose Don't Touch that Dial Martha (How do I not have any Donna vids??) Torchwood Wild Hope, Tosh. Be warned, this made me cry. Leverage: And Parker Was Parker Buffy the Vampire Slayer/Angel the Series: Boulevard of Broken Songs Buffy, and the fact that Buffy's story is by necessity the story of a bunch of other people. Without Me Lilah Ing Anya Happy Girl Tara Chuck: Creator Sarah Avatar the Last Airbender: Paper Planes Toph Lord of the Rings: No Man's Woman Eowyn Heroes: The Wreckoning Nikki/Jessica (they share a body, they count as one character :P) The Middleman: Wake up Wendy Watson Vids which are more just summaries of canon, where canon is about women (and specifically a female protagonist) being awesome: Are you out there Contact Hold Me Now Princess Tutu Gossip Folks Dubbie Middleman Walking on the Sun Lost Girl Whatever it takes Bend it Like Beckham Big City Life Dark Angel I find this sort of meta (see also On the Prowl) really interesting: it paints a picture of fandom as being filled with lots of fanworks about men (covering a huge spectrum from celebratory to woobiefying etc) and a small amount of empowering feminist works about women (mostly happy, some angry) To which my kneejerk response tends to be: clearly you don't hang out with as many femslashers as I do.
heroes drwho torchwood leverage btvs chuck qtlq avatar middleman [x]
kuwdora | another XMFC vid rec: Charles will make a man out of you. omg Disney and XMFC. It sounds like it shouldn't go together but it's utterly perfect. I could not stop giggling, okay.
xmen [x]
[some kind of title] - And another X-Men insta-vid rec! (God, I love this fandom.): the boy with the bubblegun by kaydeefalls If words could kill, I'd spell out your name. Erik, Erik/Charles. (Oh, Erik.)
xmen [x]
[some kind of title] - X-Men Insta-Vid Rec!: Dixon's Girl by sabrina_il Everybody knew you as the wife of a famous man. Angel, Mystique, Emma Frost. Fuck yeah. I have been waiting for this video.
xmen [x]
thingswithwings | ladies (en masse) are awesome: Awesome Women Are Awesome vid genre. Some examples of this genre include: Around the Bend by danegen Bionic by tallulah71 Glorious by such_heights I Enjoy Being a Girl by absolutedestiny One Girl Revoluation by arefadedaway Space Girl by charmax Wild Child by calapine Sometimes it's women in cars are awesome and sometimes it's women in space are awesome and sometimes it's just women in general, being awesome, on some tv shows, but it's definitely a genre. As you probably already knew.
multi [x]
kuwdora: vid rec: Dixon's Girl (XMFC): Dixon's Girl (LJ) by marina. Raven, Angel, Emma. Music by Dessa! It's not much, but my money's on you. This vid kind of reminds me of lcsbanana's Jack/Adventures reading Against the text because it provides an AWESOME and clever way of looking at the canon, and pulling the female characters to the forefront to tell a story about them that isn't necessarily in the source. It's so cool, I love it. Inspired song choice! Wonderful pacing! Lovely clip choices!~ This vid makes me root for them ALL no matter what side they chose by the end of the movie. I def. got goosebumps the first time I watched because it's so clever and interesting. <3 <3 <3
xmen [x]
[some kind of title] - A Few Vid Recs:: Nikita: She Walks Softly, But She Carries A Big Gun. by readthesubtext Nikita = BAMF. Watch her kick major ass. Frequently. X-Men: First Class / Wanted: Injection by secretlytodream Wesley/Erik. YES, UM, I QUITE LIKE THIS A LOT. X-Men: First Class You're Gonna Go Far, Kid by thelivelikejack Dance, fucker, dance. Take It All Away / Erik&Charles (BOMBV) by xDarkSerpentx Made for a challenge where the vidder could only use one scene. Supernatural: like a gun, like a loaded weapon by bmaniavids Ruby/Dean
nikita xmen movie spn [x]
frogspace: Fandom lebt, der Rest ist Geschichte: Außerdem: Beeindruckendes Game of Thrones vid, das die komplette erste Staffel umfasst: Mayday by meddow. Man rechne mit Spoilern, falls man die Serie nicht gesehen hat und die Bücher nicht kennt. (gefunden durch tearful_eyes Rec. In dem Eintrag sind noch mehr Vids, die ich mir unbedingt anschauen muss. :) Summary: The way that it is is not how it's gonna be (The Starks). Vor ein paar Wochen hat shapingdestiny noch gefragt: In a dangerous situation, how far would Merlin let himself be pushed before revealing his magic to Arthur? Und gestern hat chayiana ein geniales Reveal!Vid gepostet: This Night (Merlin, Gen). Story Vid, Constructed Reality - wie auch immer man es nennen möchte, ich liebe es, dass Vids immer mehr die Story erzählen, die wir erzählen möchten, völlig egal, ob das Bildmaterial dafür so zur Verfügung steht. Oder wie die Vidderin selber in einem Kommentar sagt: It's a bit like writing a fanfic. Heh.
gameofthrones merlin [x]
helens78: omg, gorgeous vid: Holy shit. I actually yelled AUGHN out loud at the screen at 0:47 and seriously got close to tears, and how many times have I seen this movie? I can't believe people were able to do that with the old telesync footage, too, Jesus.
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kuwdora | OMG INSTA VID REC: Wanted/X-Men, Wesley/Erik HOMFG Injection by Loki. OMG JUST OMG I CANT EVEN.
xmen movie [x]
kassrachel: Old friends: Many of my favorite vids ever were made, or co-made, by Sandy. With the Media Cannibals she was responsible for the X-Files vid Only Happy When It Rains (with Gwyn) and the Sentinel vid Hippie Boy (with Jo and Rache). As half of the vidding duo Clucking Belles she helped to make the Smallville vid Sexuality, the Shanghai Noon/Nights vid Happy Together, the Tick vid Crush Story, the SGA vid Stress (which I loved even before I'd ever seen an ep of the show), the SGA vid Why Walk When You Can Fly. (All of the CB vids are available for download here.)
sentinel xfiles smallville movie the_tick sga [x]
[some kind of title] - Some X-Men Vid Recs: Original/Older Trilogy: Can We Stop? by ans99 Jean/Phoenix in the 3rd movie, X-Men: The Last Stand. This video is so amazing. I've been watching it on repeat all day. The sharp editing kills me. Plus, Nine Inch Nails. Yesss. Touch Me Fall by astolat Xavier/Magneto-ish. This is an older video that I'm sure I've recced before, but which I still love to death. (Thanks for the reminder, kuwdora .) OH CHARLES. Are you hiding? I am hiding. I get goosebumps when the music picks up at 3:30 and it switches to the proteges. Watch me let you down. If I stumble, I will stumble. <3 silverlightsaber made a bunch of trailers for fake Origins movies for the other characters. I want to watch all these movies, please: Cyclops / Nightcrawler / Storm / Gambit / Magneto and here's another Origins: Magneto trailer by bloodrunsclear. (I heard that they were going to make a Magneto Origins movie after Wolverine, but then decided to wrap it into First Class instead. Does anyone know if that's true? I loved First Class, but a whole movie about Magneto would have been pretty awesome, I must say.) What I've Done (Magneto) by Kuguaari First Class: All below are Erik/Charles. Hurricane by TatyanaOracle if you can forgive me by VilyaXxX0llwyna The betrayer by sigyn27 Mostly for using a song with this lyric: My love's an iron bar wrapped around your ankles. Devant Soi by ayrotciv
xmen [x]
221B Recs - VIDEO: If You Were Gay: Sherlock/John ;; If You Were Gay Music Title & Artist: If You Were Gay from Avenue Q Vidder: Sibzlipz Pairing or Character: It's titled Sherlock/John, but it actually seems more like friendship than slash to me. Verse: Sherlock BBC Link: On YouTube or Mediafire if the yt link is blocked. Reccer's Comments: I have watched this so many times, and it never stops being hilarious to me. There are a few If You Were Gay vids on YouTube, but this is the best one. The editing is perfect, and there are just so many great little moments like the cut to Sarah at but I'm not gay and Mycroft's raised eyebrow at it's in your DNA. LOL FOREVER.
sherlock [x]
They are not long, the days of wine and roses - Fanvid recs: Hawaii 5-0 -Little less conversation, a little more action by MissAdria10 Whether you see it as bromance or slash, this fanvid is awesome. Sherlock - Futuristic Lover by Aliyela I have no idea where some of the clips are from but damn, it's hot and what got me interested in John/Lestrade.
hawaii50 sherlock [x]
frogspace: Berserk Manga Music Video: Was mich zu der Königsklasse der Berserk-Vids bringt, den Manga Music Videos. Wenn ein Manga so stark gezeichnet ist, dann muss man die Bilder eben dazu bringen, sich zu bewegen. Das hat vor Jahren schon das Berserk-Video The Wonders At Your Feet genial hingekriegt, aber die künstlerische Ausdruckskraft, die man in so etwas packen kann, ist heute schon ein paar Schritte weiter. Beast Within (AMV.org, YouTube) setzt nicht nur die Mangazeichnungen in Szene sondern ist auch für sich genommen ein Kunstwerk, völlig egal was man von dem Thema oder dem genutzen Material hält. Das Vid beginnt mit einem visuellen Prolog, der den Zuschauer erst einmal abholt und in die Atmosphäre dieser Welt hinein zieht, bevor man dann in den Abgrund gestoßen wird. Ein Wort der Warnung: GEWALT! Und wer Triggerwarnungen braucht, der sei auch für alles mögliche gewarnt. Außerdem sollte man den Ton ganz weit runter drehen, wenn man kein Metal mag. Bis 0:40 wird man durch die klimpernde Einleitung noch in Sicherheit gewiegt, aber dann wird es laut.
manga [x]
curled around these images - Recs!: Vid: Hell Memories by greyowl88 Why: This is a vid drabble. A vidlet that structures itself around a quote from the Show. (a challenge running at Expanding the Verse). I love the use of music, sound effects and voice over. And of course the use of screen caps rather than live footage (that greyowl88 has mastered beautifully). It's a Dean vid. It's short but packs an enormous emotional punch. Vid: Everybody Hurts by kahesha Why: This vid really captures the issue of Dean and his drinking. It's the perfect song for Dean - completely heartbreaking. A fabulous Dean character study with great editing. Vid: Dreams of the Believers by secretlytodream Why:Wow!! (Loki's vids always have that effect on me..). This is an interesting take on Sam's time in hell. Not something I ever considered. As usual the editing completely blew me away. I just. Damn she's good! (::koff:: there's also some *guh* hurt!Sammy clips. What? You know me...*g*) Vid: Beyond the Imperfections by turquoisetumult Why: If you watched any of the above vids you'll mostly definitely need a pick me up. This is a feel good, bromantic picvid. (I'm really impressed by what can be achieved with screen caps only). It really captures those wonderful moments between the boys. And because it's done with screencaps it's doesn't feel like overused footage.
spn [x]
[some kind of title] - Vid Recs: Wanted: Why are you here? by prodigi249 Break Teen Spirit in Four Minutes by bananainpyjamas *3 years late* Um, does this movie have a fandom?? BECAUSE I NEED IT.
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nomelon: Recs post: Vids: Hawaii Five-0: The Game Has Changed by zap99nad - Steve/Danny & the team. An intense look at Danny thinking back after the fallout at the end of season 1.
hawaii50 [x]
Leoraine's Corner - Finally, vacation!: Listener - jemmalynette - Read My Mind Why recced: Because it's a Listener vid! And it's good. And uhm... the lyrics? Fit really well:-) Supernatural -kaiyote - Runs in the family Summary: We're wonderful folks. A character study of the angels Whyrecced: Because it is AWESOME!
spn listener [x]
twasadark - More Recs! Supernatural (Dean/Castiel and Gen): I'm partial to short, action-filled vids with catchy songs. This one meets all of those criteria in spades: Ki-ki-kiss me! by ILoveThesePeople - (Dean/Castiel)
spn [x]
land of sharp pointy things - This icon has rarely been more appropriate.: So, apparently at some point, Michael Fassbender and Jonathon Young were in a movie where they play WWI soldiers raising an adorable bear cub together. ... I'll just let you process that for a minute. Then you can watch this vid: 1234 by kuwdora. Warning: may leave you with the strange desire to write Magneto/Tesla fic in which they cuddle a bear.
movie [x]
lcsbanana | (no subject): what I've been doing instead is watching the amazing movie from which this AMAZING vid was made. If you're into XMFC or Sanctuary or, for exponentially increased delight, both, YOU NEED THIS MOVIE. Here is the only thing I will say to try and convince you: Magneto and Tesla are Canadian WW1 soldiers who become boyfriends* and co-parent a bear cub. GO, GO WATCH. Watch the vid at least, you will smile for AT LEAST an hour afterwards or your money back.
movie This is an inclusive newsletter: I attempt to include all of the vid recs that are publicly posted. It is not, however, exhaustive. If you have suggestions for particular communities or journals to watch (especially ones that use tags) or have specific links to share, please let us know.