Trying to catch up before Festivids!
Why vidding is important, by me [the carnival of you and me]: Why vidding is a transformative and creative act Vidding is a way of celebrating, critiquing and reframing visual media to make an argument or to present a specific point of view. A vidder's point of view differs to a greater or lesser degree from the perspective of the original source, and vidding is a way to show your viewers what is important to you, or to offer them a new lens through which to view the media. Sometimes a vidder's work is an homage, sometimes it problematises aspects of the source media (and only really makes sense if the viewer is familiar with the source), and sometimes it creates an artefact that is totally complete in itself, a new narrative or artwork created like a found poem. None of these things detract from the original source, and we need to do them. We need to be able to critique and engage with media, visually as well as verbally. We need to be able to show others what the world (including popular culture) looks like from where we sit. We need to be able to create new artworks from the material around us.
meta nov2011 [x]
221B Recs - VIDEO: Ottery St Sherlock: Ottery St Sherlock Music Title & Artist: dialogue from the Cabin Pressure episode Ottery St Mary. Vidder: Tarnamackle Pairing or Character: Gen Verse: Sherlock BBC/Cabin Pressure Link: on YouTube! Reccer's Comments: The editing on this video is brilliant. This is one of the funniest exchanges in Cabin Pressure (which is saying something!) and the clips Tarnamackle chose suit it so extremely well. I sort of want to cry with laughter. I have definitely seen this video too many times! Tags:
nov2011 sherlock [x]
crack_van: VID REC: I Am My Father's Son by ImagineImpossible: I Am My Father's Son by ImagineImpossible Fandom: FRINGE Music: You Are A Runner And I Am My Father's Son by Wolfparade Pairing: Oliva Dunham/Peter Bishop Length: 2:29 I have no memory of how I ran into this vid on YouTube (flist, was it recced to me?) but this song was made to be a Peter Bishop vid. Now I wouldn't exactly say I like this song (when do I ever), but it really works here with its choppy rhythmic lines and percussive instrumentation. The lyrics paired with the Fringe clips tell Peter's story quite effectively. Both Olivias are there, Both Walter Bishops, too. You even get a cameo by the season four version of Our Side's Lincoln Lee, giving Peter an intense look. I wish there was a link to download it because it's already been deleted from YouTube once.
nov2011 fringe [x]
Diary of an Evil Genius - SPN vid rec: What the Duck?: ash48 makes me happy. She has made a hilarious video chronicling the saga of SPN fandom's Duck Nation, complete with con clips and adorable pics and the most perfect song imaginable. It is a must-see. :D
nov2011 spn [x]
Someone reworked the Community opening in the style of Parks & Rec | TV | Great Job, Internet! | The A.V. Club: Are you sick of hearing about Community yet? Well, too bad. It's a fantastic show. Parks & Rec is another fantastic show. Many television viewers agree with these opinions. So much so that one enterprising individual with almost as much time on their hands as we have decided to recreate the Community opening title sequence in the style of Parks & Rec, same theme song and all. And it's pretty great. Needs more Adam Scott, though. That guy is handsome.
nov2011 community [x]
House of Leaves - The non-magic of Avisynth 2011 edition - Tutorial: My first tutorial on post-processing with Avisynth is almost four years old and while a lot of stuff still holds true, I think it is time for an update on some things.
nov2011 tech [x]
laurashapiro | Vid Rec: Never Let Me Go: chaila has made a gorgeous vid, Keepsake, of the film Never Let Me Go. Well, to my mind it's really a vid of the book, which makes it that much more striking; it exemplifies the book's sense of fragile, futile hope and the intensity of despair -- but it also preserves the book's restraint. This vid is an intensely satisfying experience: aesthetically delectable, emotionally powerful, great musicality. Subtle and heartbreaking.
nov2011 movie [x]
What's the point of a revolution without general copulation? - Speaking of vids to songs by Florence and the Machine: I somehow missed Fabella's Harper's Island vid Girl With One Eye when it was first posted. I've never seen the show, but man, the vid is incredible - and spooky as hell.
nov2011 harpersisland [x]
foursweatervests | And You Shall Have It.: To The Dogs Or Whoever bygreensilver (on the occasion ofsweetestdrain 's birthday) Fandom: What, are you, new? Characters: Snow White, Prince Charming Summary: In the dark, I thought I heard somebody call. WARNING: Unf. Okay, I'll let you know ahead of time that these two are my OTP to conquer OTPs. I never actually thought I'd call any pairing my OTP and mean it, but wow. There is so much to love about these two. The banter, the amazing, and...ugh. My heart. ♥♥♥ I could never explain it fully, so I direct you here, here, and here. But with this vidlet, greensilver has captured what makes these two...well, I want to say irresistible, but I'd prefer something less cheesy. Charming is wonderful, Charming is great, but without Mary Margaret/Snow being as centered and self-reliant a person as she is, this show would be completely flat. Snow is who you fall for, and Mary Margaret's journey back to Snow is who you stay for.
nov2011 onceuponatime [x]
World's Finest - fanvid rec: Unusual You: Unusual You Pairing(s)/Character(s): Bruce/Clark Rating: ...PG? Spoilers: none Disclaimer: Not mine!!! This fanvid was made by quiltingdiva7 on YouTube This is a pretty awesome vid- I was especially impressed with the creators ability to sync up Superman and Batman looking at each other, interacting with each other, etc. I loved the song choice, and the whole tone is perfect! Mutual fascination is exactly how I see the way they feel, and this pulls it off with- pardon the pun- flying colors.
nov2011 comics [x]
crack_van: VID REC: Uptown Girl by Zhivchik: Uptown Girl by Zhivchik Fandom: SUITS Vidder: zhivchik Music: Uptown Girl by Billy Joel Pairing: Mikey/Harvey Vidder on LJ: n/a (as far as I know) Vidder's website: Hir Tumblr Why this vid kicks ass: First, because it's fun and really suits the attitude of the show well. Second, because it has witty editing. Third because, well, it's a vid, there's eye candy, peeps. Happy last Friday of the month. Harvey is an Uptown Girl, Mike is a Back Street Guy
nov2011 suits [x]
nemo_recs - This week I 'ave been mostly eatin' ... ketchup: suddenly I see by purplefringe Firefly Kaylee/Inara [yummy happy] I was grinning within moments. I LOVE THIS SHOW. And I love them, I love how easy their relationship is. I just love how much smiling footage there is of these two. Also I very much like the Inara=strawberry and Kaylee's O face. Perfect. dragula by thedothatgirl Underworld Vampires! Werewolves! Guns! Violence! Black leather! ACTIONACTIONMOREACTION! Also a little bit of sex, but mostly ACTION! This is what vampire movies should be about. Screw Twilight. pack by wistfulfever Teen Wolf Derek/Stiles, Jackson/Stiles (Jackson centric) This show is pure sex. Jackson, his strange fascination with Stiles, Derek, his strange fascination with Stiles... CONNECTED??? Or, just. Watch and enjoy the pretty. (And that awesome music break. YUM) no one's gonna take me alive by signed_aislynn I am Number Four Number Six Because she was the only good thing in that movie. Or in other words -- Number Six pwns everyone. The end. El tango de Roxanne by MSQu7 Loki Loki/Sif, Thor/Sif Found via ageless_aislynn's rec. Not a love triangle I'd have thought of, and Loki/Sif isn't a pairing I see easily, but this vid is very persuasive and I'm very impressed by the editing of the show audio. Shame the footage is so dark. working for a living by thingswithwings Hustle/Leverage [crossover] Fun and awesome, I love these shows. All the dressing up and messing around and the MONEY. Very fun and bouncy and awesome.
nov2011 firefly underworld teenwolf movie thor hustle leverage [x]
crack_van: VID: Oh No! by skeletree: Oh No! by skeletree Fandom: SHERLOCK Music: Oh No! (Marina and the Diamonds) This video has the perfect marriage between lyrics and images. The quick edits are to the beat, and special effects are professional grade. The song has been edited to fit the video rather than the video filling out to fit the vid. Overall, my favourite fanvid of all time!
nov2011 sherlock [x]
crack_van: VIDS: Adele Double Feature by Talitha78 and AreFadedAway: Adele Double Feature by Talitha78 and AreFadedAway I love both these vids so much, and they're in each case the absolute last word on the pairing (imho, natch) so I just couldn't decide between them. In the spirit, I hope, of the Friday Night Drive-In, I offer you a double feature. Set Fire to the Rain Fandom: MARVEL COMICS (THOR) Pairing: Thor/Loki Rolling in the DeepFandom: MARVEL COMICS (X-MEN/X-MEN: FIRST CLASS) Pairing: Erik/Charles Why these Vids kick ass: Dear God, they both make me want to weep every time. The sheer palpable sense of frustration and disappointment and anger and brokenheartedness that explodes out of each of them never lessens, though I've had them on near repeat on my laptop and in the new blu-ray player -- why yes, Mr Salesman, I do have a disc to try out -- for weeks. I've always had a penchant for Rift fandoms, and these two vids say pretty much everything there is to say about the Bridge and Beach Divorces. On a technical level, they're both just cut so brilliantly, with tight POVs and razor sharp transitions... Perfection.
nov2011 comics xmen thor [x]
crack_van: VID REC: SUPERNATURAL Runs in the Family by kaiyote: Runs in the Family by kaiyote. Fandom: SUPERNATURAL Pairing: Gen (Anna, Balthazar, Castiel, Gabriel, Lucifer, Michael, Raphael, Uriel, Zachariah) Well, the editing is great. This song, if you're not familiar, is fast paced and intense, including the use of a metronome in the background, and anything other than a fast paced video would have fallen flat with it as accompaniment. kaiyote's editing does not fall flat. Another thing I liked about this vid was how kaiyote matched the different angels to the different lyrics. This is very well done, and really connects the source material to the song chosen.
nov2011 spn [x]
cofax7 | linkspam made some great beef stew: Too Big to Fail, a political vid by starlady. Bruce Springsteen/OWS=OTP.
nov2011 remix [x]
vidding | Our Vidding History: Over the holiday weekend, a few more pages have been added to Fanlore, showcasing vids that have been shown at Vividcon. However, there are thousands of fanvids out there and lots more to say about vidding. Currently on Fanlore, there are only 200+ fanvids listed. There are more than 60 fanvid pages for Merlin, but less than a dozen for Star Trek, Supernatural, Buffy and most other fandoms. Since Fanlore is open to anyone to edit, feel free to jump in and document your vid (if you’re vidder) or your favorite vid (if you are a fan of vids). You don’t have to write a long expose, just type in the details and add a short sentence or two why you think the vid is awesome.
nov2011 meta [x]
[some kind of title] - Vid Recs (Fantasy, Yay!): Once Upon A Time: To the Dogs or Whoever by greensilver Snow White/Prince Charming Grimm: Trouble is a friend by Ayrotciv8 (YT) Nick, some Nick/Eddie. (There's also a download link in info.) Legend of the Seeker: Winter in My Heart by bmaniavids (YT) Cara/Kahlan
nov2011 onceuponatime grimm legendoftheseeker [x]
Further: A Journal of Fan Fiction - the opposite of vanilla: a talk with killa: Killa & T Jonesy's Closer This 2004 K/S video created by Killa and T Jonesy was one of the first videos to go viral on YouTube and for many it was their introductory primer into the existence of slash. Closer is one of those rare instances when hype is outdistanced by the actual; even after who knows how many viewings, I still can't believe something could be so astonishing and delightful on so many different levels. It still takes my breath away.
nov2011 trek [x]
yourlibrarian | Strange and clever: Another vid rec! Oh Community, I'll miss you but am so glad I got to know you, and this shows so many reasons why: Just Dance by such_heights. What a great pack of characters you've had. And the guest stars! John Oliver AND Michael K. Williams? That defines win.
nov2011 community [x]
morgandawn | NASA was, in many ways, my first fandom: If you ever are looking for a vid that speaks in the universal language of vidding, this is it: To Touch the Face of God
nov2011 multi This is an inclusive newsletter: I attempt to include all of the vid recs that are publicly posted. It is not, however, exhaustive. If you have suggestions for particular communities or journals to watch (especially ones that use tags) or have specific links to share, please let us know.