Singapore Trip

Jul 08, 2004 19:29

Yes, I know I haven't been updating! Here's a major update:

I was in Singapore from the 23rd of June till the 5th of July!

25th June:
Gave readings at this Charity ball with the President of Singapore as the Guest of Honour!

26th June:
Private consultations at Caroline's house and this meditation session with Elizabeth Kruger. Elizabeth Kruger is a famous clairvoyant and she said that we had to keep in touch. She wanted to guide me with some of my spiritual work. She did some kind of psychic surgery and replaced my crown chakra, lol! Anyway, it was cool meeting her.

27th June:
Gave a free talk at Whatever: "Introduction to Psychic Abilities, Mediumship, Channeling & Healing". Followed by that, I channeled at the "Channel Circle" together with Clara.

I met this guy named "Hermann". He's a German guy, and is a friend of Clara's. We were acting really strange together- he's gay, lol! Anyway, he said that he knew me, and I said I knew him. Upon tuning in, I realised we both were lovers in Atlantis, and during dinner, I remarked "You haven't changed since Atlantis!".

28th June:
Private consultations at Whatever. Went for the Language of Light attunement workshop (it was awesome!)

29th June:
Prepared breakfast for Clara, Hermann and myself. Private consultation at Whatever. Lunch with Hermann and went out to meet Caroline and Elica. Met Manjid later with Clara, and we went back, and I channeled Enoch, and we received the Keys of Enoch! The holy spirit, aka, Shekinah, came through and annoited us. We were then told that we were Boddhisattvas!

30th June:
Private consultations at Whatever. Did my first Spirit Releasement Therapy!

This lady, Patricia, came into Whatever and overheard Clara talking about spiritual things and was interested. Clara introduced herself and so did Patricia. I just came in after a few readings, exhausted, and Clara introduced me to Patricia. Clara then felt that we had to channel, so we went into the private consultation room.

In the room, we did healing on Pat, and she explained that she was an energy healer. Anyway, during the healing, I felt that there was some entity in her, and she started groaning! The entity in her then said "I don't want to go!". My goodness! Anyway, I went "Go to the light," and it went "It feels so good!" I felt guided to ask "Patricia.. on the scale of 1 to 10, what would your desire be to release this entity?" and she exlaimed "10!" Then I told it to go again and it went out, and I saw it hover around- it had a red hue! Sheesh!

Patrica said she liked me very much and she invited me to Macau to conduct workshops, and to give readings/healing sessions! She then gave me a $100 and gave Clara the same amount too!

1st July:
Private consultations @ Whatever & Clara's house. Attended Language of Light Advanced Course #1- Discovering your Authentic Power and got my kundalini activated! Opened a portal there, at France Fuller's place!

2nd July:
Private consultations @ Whatever and opened a portal with Clara at Whatever.. The Yoga & Healing Space! Had a staff meeting @ Whatever and did another Spirit Releasement Therapy.

During one of the readings, this little boy in spirited form, beside my client, held on to a blackboard and he had words written in Chinese and when I wrote them out, they made sense!

Clara & I then went to Frances Kong's aurasoma shop! I then channeled Kwan Yin in CHINESE after much persuasion! I don't know chinese, and the message which came through was fragmanted. I heard Kwan Yin speak in chinese, but I couldn't say it properly- my tongue! Clara then spoke to Kwan Yin in chinese, and I understood three quarters of what she was saying! Also got some AuraSoma products- a Saint Germain bottle and a Lady Nada Bottle. Also got this Lao Tsu & Kwan Yin's Quintessence!

3rd July:
"Opening to Channel" workshop, Day 1, 10 people attended! Did a Spirit Releasement Therapy on Molly who attended the workshop.

Went to Sizzler for dinner with those from "Thy Vision Smile". They're such awesome people! I LOVE THEM!

I felt down after the dinner, on my move to India! Clara counselled me and what she said was very helpful.

4th July:
"Opening to Channel" workshop, Day 2. Another Spirit Releasement Therapy on Molly. Everyone channeled high level beings and the info channeled was of high info!

Went to get Swetha's books from Borders, and got this nice keychain for myself along with a diary. I then got dinner and took a cab back to Clara's place. To cut a long story short, I gave the taxi driver my dinner and a short reading!

5th July:
Had breakfast with God. When Clara and I wondered if God finished His peanut butter toast, He told me "Just like you take no time, so do I. I'm full just by watching my children eat!" I then left for Bombay. Anyway, I made S$3,200 during my trip to Singapore, and gave dad S$800 for my airticket!

Well, thats abt it! Awesome huh? I'll try scanning a pic or two from some place nearby, and will post it later! :)
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