This is the same Gwen/Morgana mix I've posted before, but altered and improved, so I recommend downloading it again! :D
Title: Flicker of the Future (remix)
miakunNumber of songs: 11
File format: .mp3
Download: (.zip, 63.3 MB)
Flicker of the Future @ megaupload
Flicker of the Future @ yousendit
- Frou Frou - Flicks
I feel life / lose it in a minute, and the ones to come feel too far to care - Splashdown - Presumed Lost
do these restless eyes tell you I have found a home? - Rufus Wainwright - Tiergarten
I have suffered shipwreck against your dark brown eyes - Res - Tsunami
I want to know when you wake first thing you see is me - Nightnoise - Perchance To Dream
(instrumental) - Aqualung - If I Fall
seems to me I'm exactly where I dreamt I would be - Metric - Help I'm Alive
if you're still alive my regrets are few / if my life is mine, what shouldn't I do? - Poe - Haunted
I'm haunted by the lives that I have loved and actions I have hated - Coldplay - Things I Don't Understand
and what becomes of me? - Travis - The Cage
then this bird just flew away / she was never meant to stay - The Feeling - When I Return
when I return, I'll love you better than / better than before
I just needed to give it a happier ending. :)
Dubiously accurate but popup-free lyrics can be viewed at LyricWiki: [
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