Alright guys, we're almost halfway through the season. I know a lot of you are busy with school starting up again, but I'd love to see some great icons for this challenge!
Icons are due Sunday, September 21st @ Noon
1. You must create new icons for the challenge.
2. Please do not submit icons other people made as your own. We DO check for this.
3. You may enter up to 5 icons per contest.
4. Icons must fit LJ standards: 40kb in size and 100x100 pixels.
5. Please do not post your icons anywhere else until voting has closed. If we see the icon anywhere before winners are posted, your icon will be disqualified.
6. You may use brushes, textures, animation, etc.
7. Text only icons are allowed.
8. Icons must be from the season 3 episode: Dr. Quymn, Medicine Woman.
Sample caps will be added when I get a chance (possibly later today)and for now, here's the link to the gallery of caps: -
Dr. Quymn, Medicine Woman! Disclaimer:
Unless otherwise specified, you are giving us permission to post your icons (under comment/credit guidelines) as promotion in other communities and allowing people to use your icons. If you do not want us to use your icons, please just let us know and we will not.
The Mantis-Eye ExperimentVenture Bros. Wikiquote__yourbestbet__'s
Ventureicontest Photobucketventure_caps Comments are screened.
Please post your submissions like this: If you have any questions, please ask.
Go Team Venture!!