Herptaderp. A lot of things have happened since then. Like dropping AP Physics (great decision), doing more cosplay stuff, STRESS STRESS STRESS, and speech stuff (which I've been doing pretty well in). But since I want to enjoy this shit before college, I'm pretty much just gonna talk about cosplay n crap.
For like the three people that don't know by now, Saboten ended on a pretty awesome note. I ended up working on Doll right up until the day of. It took me about an hour to get everything on, and then I left early to meet up with the rest of my group. Though I missed the AMV contest, it was hilarious to see that it took about two hours for all of the men in our group to get their make-up on...while it took me about five minutes. Wearing fake eyelashes was an adventure. During the con, we all said we were gonna practice...ahaha fat chance. Well, pre-judging went well, but we ended up waiting a long time. So we were being fucking obnoxious in the Masquerade Greenroom (not even kidding, my group was the only one with eight people...and subsqently the only one that took up two rows. But it was all good because we won Best in Show.
Click to view
Our Joker also won Best Journeyman.
It was sweet as hell. Then we ended the con with the Hetalia gathering and just being idiots.
Anyway time passed and we had a few photoshoots. These are some of my favorite shots.
Over the Hills and Far Away by ~
venusgal100 on
deviantARTHello There by ~
venusgal100 on
deviantARTAll Together Now by ~
venusgal100 on
deviantARThalp by ~
venusgal100 on
deviantART Wendy couldn't make it, and we were hoping to get a Jumbo...but that didn't happen. Either way it was still funtimes.
Phoenix Comicon Plans
Now onto future plans! For Phoenix Comicon, I plan to do the follow cosplays:
1. Ritsu from K-On
2. Steampunk outfit for the Steampunk Fashion Show
3. Miria from Baccano! (if my Isaac can get her hat and vest)
4. Frilly!France from Hetalia.
Phoenix Comicon's gonna be great, if we can hopefully get the Eurovision Party up and running (WE NEED INTERNET AND A HOTEL ROOM FFFF).
Anime Expo Plans
For AX, I plan to rewear a lot of my costumes. Here's my line-up so far.
1. Frilly!France from hetalia
2. Miria from Baccano!
3. Doll from Kuroshitsuji
4. Whatever else comes up.
And for the curious, he's a preview of my France outfit. Still in progress (and kicking my ass)
Treaty of Paris by ~
venusgal100 on